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Happy thoughts!

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:10 pm
by dena
I just wanted to post an observation for anyone waiting to get braced. I was really nervous about how I'd look once the braces were on...I'm super super sensitive about my crooked teeth.

It has been 100 times easier than I thought. First, everything I've read on this board has been totally true. I've seen so many people and most of them have clearly seen the braces and haven't acknowledged them at all...I kinda wish they would, because I actually like them! I'll try to post a pic soon, but honestly, I kind of like the way they look. Also, the braces sort of hide the crowding...I think they make my teeth look a little better! And, since the extractions don't show badly, I have no complaints. I honestly was expecting to be a drooling, brace face with huge gaps in my teeth from extractions...not at all. I look 99% the same as before.

Hope that is extra encouragement! It's so much better to have them on--less worries on this side of the process :) Good luck to all!

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:02 pm
by ssfw
Hi dena,

I am so happy that you are pleased with how you have adjusted to your braces (how they look and feel). I could feel the excitement and happiness from your post. :banana: I think you're just happy that you have started the ortho treatment which means that you're that much closer to being done.

I'm not sure if you read my post to you from 1/9/06 about adult ortho patients rewarding ourselves, kind of like the incentives/prizes that kids get at the ortho's office. My suggestion was to reward ourselves every 3 months with an ice cream/going to the movies/having a special dinner, etc. What do you think of this idea?

Take Care and keep us posted on your progress.


Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:08 am
by Jade
Thanks for posting this! I'm not-so-patiently awaiting my braces! i know I was really worried about what people would think because most of them had braces when they were younger, and I feel like the odd one out!

Maybe they will make me look better :) Thanks... this really helped!

Good Luck with your journey, and keep us posted:)

Jade :pinkbraces:

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:25 am
by OnMyWay
I completely agree with you that the braces arent nearly as bad as we all were imagining while dreading the day they are placed on. But I'm surprised by your comment "Also, the braces sort of hide the crowding..." Huh? I've always thought braces make crowding look much worse. In fact, I often get the comments along the lines of how people didnt even notice the crowding before braces were put on but now....Its not that it matters to me because I'm doing something about it but im curious as to why braces hide crowding for some people while they highlight it for others.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:13 am
by Kell
Thanks for this post. I hope I feel the same way.

I am most worried about eating. I like to eat and need to so that I don't turn evil. When I get too hungry my husband gets afraid my head is going to start spinning around.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:24 am
by dena
OnMyWay--on the bottom I have metal braces and they really show how my teeth are going in all different directions. One top though, (this is hard to explain without a photo) I have front teeth that stick out...both of my second teeth (incissors?...I need to learn this stuff) are shoved back. From a distance, it almost looked like I had a tooth missing (to me) because those seconds are shoved back. The clear braces on top sort of brings that tooth to the front because the brace is sticking out...I don't know if that makes sense, but I really think it's an improvement!

Kell--eating is still a big pain. But, I've lost some weight, so there is definitely an upside!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 7:36 pm
by BlueeyedManda
Dena-That is really great you are happy. I know exactly how you feel I was dreading just the consult appointment and when I walked out of that with my top ceramics on all I could think of in the car home was my goodness what have I done. Most people thought it was great, and alot thought I had a retainer in.
I wish I had done this when I was a kid but I will probably take better care of them now then when I was a child, plus it gives me something to tell my kids when they most likely will go through treatment.
My finace has been so supportive the whole way through that he has been so much help. I don't know what I would do without him to go to when I do get frustrated.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:25 pm
by n216
i feel the same way i thought it would be so bad and its not i wish i wouldnt have waited so long

Re: Happy thoughts!

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:47 pm
by weird_wired
dena wrote:I've seen so many people and most of them have clearly seen the braces and haven't acknowledged them at all...I kinda wish they would, because I actually like them!
Dena - I had just this issue - I even posted about it a couple of months back. In my case I wanted people to notice the braces so I wouldn't have to explain why I couldn't eat a certain thing, or why I was lisping a bit.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:54 pm
by chrisd
thank you for posting this. i am on my way to braces for the second time. had them when i was 12, and remember being self concious about them. now i am 29 and hopw i will be less self concious. but thanks for the positive comments and i am glad you are doing so well;-)