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Molar band move after a year

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:50 am
by Pablo
Just about a year in braces and now he's decided to move my molar bands from my first molars back to my second ones . Anyone else have this done ?? Besides re-alligning the molars which have drifted slightly I think i read about some other affect it can have .. just can't remember??
All will be revealed in 2 days though !!

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:09 pm
by spongebob82
I have had bands on all of my second molars from the beginning of my treatment (one year 7 days!). My ortho has talked of putting bands on all of the last molars toward the end of treatment but she wanted to get some of the others where she wanted them first. Maybe that is what your is doing. If they don't want a tooth to move right away (or move too much) they will wait to band/bracket them until others around them have moved so they can control it a little better.

Just a thought.