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Braces on yesterday

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:11 am
by krennen
Feeling a little down today. The braces went on yesterday and I have found that I can't really chew. To back up a little I had 4 bicuspids removed Dec 28. No problem there except for the dry socket 3 days later. :( Chewing was hard with the four missing spacesbut at least I could. Now my molars don't meet in back because my front teeth can't go over the bottom brackets. Now I'm wondering how long before the space fills in and I have some chewing surface. The ortho said about 6 months UGH Anyone have this kind of experience?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:54 am
by Flora2006
I do...i can't bite down at all because i have a dental crossbite so the bracket on that tooth hits my lower tooth if i try to bite down...hopefully it will get aligned soon because i need to get some decent food in my body instead of just relying on mash potatoes, yogurt and soup...

Did you get all your teeth braced or just the top for now? Are you feeling any pain or anything like that? (besides when you try to eat)

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:19 am
by Gel
congrats on getting your barces!
We all understand about not being able to chew! Tender teeth keep us from doing that. Just eat soups and yogurts and any other really soft, unchunky things!
I had four bicuspids removed so I sympathize with you there.
Don't worry, things will get better as your journey and your teeth progress!

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:28 am
by krennen
Thanks for the replies. I guess misery does love company. This site has already been a boost for me. :) Nice to know that others are in the same boat as me! To answer your question I had ceramic brackets put on top and metal on the bottom.