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Braces Went On Today!

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:07 am
by ErinABerens
Well, I am an official braceface now! WOW does it feel weird. I got both uppers and lowers (all metal) with pink and lime green elastics (pretty cute in my opinion). I tried to eat a hamburger for lunch and did OK but I kept drooling...SOOO sexy! I think I'll stick with the soft stuff for a bit.
My 3 year old loves the braces. He said I look beautiful! :D My hubby also thinks I look cute. That's good because I think I look like a major dweeb! LOL
I have 2 questions for anyone willing to answer:
1.) I SWEAR one of my teeth has moved already. It is one on the bottom that used to sit back a little further than the one next to it. Now they feel and look to be even. The braces have only been on for 3 hours! IS this possible?
2.) When did you get truly comfortable with chewing and just having them in there? I am figuring it will be a week or two.
PS..I'll try to post some pictures tonight.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:48 am
by EyeHartEwe
Congrats :P

To answer your questions:

1) Look at the pictures of me, it IS possible to see movement very early on! I'm not sure if it was a matter of hours or days, but it was definitely much sooner than I expected!

2) I adapted to the braces being on sooner than I had thought too, but if you don't try to over do it you will be okay. Don't try biting into harder foods (like subs like I did!), but eat things like pastas and some of the softer things and it won't be so bad :) I think it was definitely less than 2 weeks for me

-Guess who :D

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:40 pm
by ErinABerens
LOL! Dork! The above post was written by my little sister :) An adult braceface for over 2 years now! :) Thanks Jamie! should all see her's amazing how much her teeth have changed!

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:51 pm
by dena
erin--I agree...I feel like I've seen movement already, too. Actually, the day I got my braces, I felt my teeth sort of *adjust* in the ortho's office. (I always had some movement and shifting in my teeth before the braces that I could feel...and it was like that, but I think caused by the braces.)

They do feel really weird, but I'm sure you don't look like a dweeb! Isn't it exciting? I didn't know how I'd feel but I couldn't stop smiling all that first day because I was so happy that this had finally happened :D

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:23 pm
by Kell
I love that your 3 year old loves the braces. I am hoping my 2 year old feels the same way about mine when I get them on. He might get mad that I look different and try to pull them off. :)

Congrats on your new braces. I'm sure they look great. I'd love to see pictures.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:16 am
by ErinABerens
Well, it's been a few days now and the pain was at its worst yesterday. Stupid me kept trying to chew and the feeling is so weird that it kinda makes me sick to my stomach.
Did any of you loose your appetite after getting braces? I think the fact that I cant chew is whats killing it for me. I am tired of eating mush already! LOL
Hopefully, I will adjust by the end of this week. :)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 11:00 am
by dena
I'm regaining the appetite, but yes...eating is such a hassle, I don't do it as much anymore!