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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 6:22 pm
by missing_tooth
Any recommendations for getting impressions? I know they will be taken. I gag really really really badly. I had the most difficult time once getting an impression for a crown on one of my teeth. I can hardly imagine a full set. I did read that that cough spray works as it numbs the back of your mouth? Anyone ever heard / tried this? What do they do if they can't get an impression from you?

I can't be the orthos worst case of gagging I would think. I know the only way I got through it last time was to lift a foot in the air and move it in a circle, listen to music, breath through my nose while leaning forward drooling into a cup. lol can you imagine.

Strangely enough I once took a dental assistance class once and gave myself impressions for class. Sometimes we did it just for kicks when we were bored. I never did gagged on the old pasty stuff you mixed up. Wierd.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 6:25 pm
by bethne3
I actually had 2 sets of impressions taken today. This is about my 6th time getting them done (long story).
Anyhoo, I have a problem with gagging also but I've found that taking deep breaths in and out through my nose really helps. Try focusing on other things, maybe something fun like where would I like to go on vacation. Anything to preoccupy your mind. Think about how relieved you will feel once it's all done and over.


Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:25 pm
by ssfw
Hi missing_tooth,

I don't have any problems with getting the impressions made but Bethany's post had some great suggestions. I also wanted to add to be sure to tell your orthodontist/assistant (the person that will be taking the impression) about your concerns. S/he may be able to make it easier for you. You may want to bring in your ipod/SPAM, if listening to music might help you get through this. I always find thinking about something that makes you happy always helps me when I get into difficult situations.

You probably didn't have any problems when you were taking your class because you were giving yourself the impression - I'm sure it's a bit different when somebody else places the mold appliance in your mouth.

Good luck.


Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:20 pm
by jrbecca
Great thread, missing_tooth! As you can see, there are other people on the message boards with the same problem. As Bethany pointed out, breathing through your nose can help; however, even this is a tough call. Breathing through your mouth can actually make the gel dry/harden faster, thus shortening the time you have to endure impression-taking.

Also, I would strongly suggest that you sit up when having impressions made. I don't normally gag during impressions, but did the last go around because the orthodontist's assistant had me in a reclined position. Did they mention anything about this in you class?

On a final note - you must be a pretty amazing person to be able to lift your foot in the air, move it in a circle, listen to music and breathe through your nose, all while drooling into a cup. Talented you are! :)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:43 pm
by missing_tooth
Also, I would strongly suggest that you sit up when having impressions made.
I wouldn't even attempt it lying down. As for the class I took, nothing was ever said. Maybe I will be my orthos worst case. Perhaps it's the texture of the stuff and not the taste. Perhaps they will let me impression myself. I may get by if I can give it to myself leaning forward. I also considered bring my Hawaii pictures and pretend the impression is the snorkle mouth piece. Ok, maybe that's bit silly. But if it gets me through.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:10 am
by IndyBraceFace
Ask the doc/assistant if you can lean forward while getting the impressions done. That's what I did and it really helped. It made me less worried that something would go down my throat and choke me.