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Molar bands are on now. Not Good!

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:07 pm
by genxsis
OK everyone, my molar bands are on, and I'm regretting it! The process of putting them on wasn't really painful. They had to try a few different sizes on one of my teeth because, apparently, one of my spacers had come out and I didn't know it, but they got it done.

But now is when the painful process is upon me. The parts that come out from the bands where the wires are supposed to go are very sharp and have it impossible for me to eat anymore. I tried using the wax they gave me, but the sharp edges just poke right through the wax and have really torn up the inside of my cheeks. Every time I bite down, I thought I was biting my cheek, but then I realized that the pain was coming before my teeth even came together, which means it's those sharp edges that are catching on my cheek and tearing it open. I'm completely on a liquid diet now. My Dad and I were going to get together today as we do each week to eat out, but I had to tell him we can't because I can't even eat! I'll have to stay home and make something in the blender.
Sleeping at night wasn't easy either. Every time I moved my mouth when I was asleep, the pain woke me up.

The braces aren't even on yet! This is what I'm going through with just the molar bands! These things are like razor blades in my mouth. I'd like to have a long talk with the person who designed these things! Didn't they realize that sharp objects in the mouth is a bad thing? Can't they make the edges rounded instead of leaving them razer sharp? My car keys have rounded edges! But now molar bands??? What's the deal?

I've heard of people here being surprised at how bad these things feel, and then say that they get better after awhile, but it sure is hard to believe at this point. The sharp edges are going to get any blunter, unless I go in there with a Dremel tool and go to work on them.....

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:19 pm
by Way Too Old For This
I'm sorry they are bothering you so much. I know it is hard to believe now, but your cheeks really will get used to it. There will be times when sores pop up but mine got tough in just a few weeks. I was having trouble with that part of my band/bracket also and my ortho put a lig on it to help keep my cheeks from getting pinched. I think it will probably a little better after the arch wire goes in too. The wire will hold the cheek out a little. I also shreded my tongue on the edges of the bands.

I wouldn't recommend the Dremel ! I tried a little modification myself at first and made things worse. I thought the same exact things you what are they using in my mouth, recycled razor blades? The appliances do seem a little barbaric.

Hang in there.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:24 pm
by genxsis
Barbaric indeed! Obviously, whoever designed these things never had them put in their own mouths.

I'm going to ask my ortho about that lig thing you mentioned. That may be just the thing I need. I can't even put my teeth together without my cheek getting pinched, so that means I can't even chew food. I'm strictly on a liquid diet now as a result.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:23 pm
by Dreamer
Genxsis...hang in truely will get better! It's hard to believe but your cheeks will get so used to the molar bands you will hardly know they are there soon! I felt just as you did 9 months ago so there is hope for you! :)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:17 pm
by missing_tooth
Your not alone. I have a molar band as well. I find the key is just to be generous with the wax. I will say however, the other side of my mouth hurts more than the molar band. When I put my finger back there it hurts. Basically I'm thinking the back brace that holds with wire is pretty pointy and pokey. Although if the pain doesn't clear in a couple weeks I'll be back in. And yes, I've told my wife many times it feels like razors in my mouth.

Let us know how it goes.

Gernerous wax

- Missing Tooth -