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Second Opinions Definitely Worthwhile!!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:07 pm
by Kimmy
I went to see a second orthdontist yesterday about getting braces. I'm 27 years old, narrow upper jaw causing crowding of my teeth. I was quote $4575, plus $250 for a retainer. He said I would most likely need jaw surgery to expand my upper plate, then we'd put braces on. He said I'd be looking at 2 years in braces.

The first ortho I saw before Christmas quoted me $6900 and said 3 years in braces. It's almost a $2,000 difference. The guy I saw yesterday has more experience too. Very strange but I'm happy. :) I just need to come up with my downpayment. :(

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:35 pm
by Jade
Hey Kimmy,
Second opinions are definately worthwile!

I went to three differend Orthos for a consultation, and I finally Decided on one... the prices for me were all around the same(I think prices are regulated by a board in Canada), it came down to the method of treatment for me.... one guy wanted to give me a palette expander, and I'm not to up on that!

Co-incidentally I picked the Ortho that everyone else must have also picked, because he is incredibly busy and it takes a while to get an appointment!

So I'm still patiently (not so patiently really) waiting for my appointment to get things going

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:41 pm
by missing_tooth
Ditto on second opinions. I went to two different orthos and two different oral surgeons.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:04 am
by angelxdevil
i agree totally, when i was 13 (im nw 16) i went to an orthodontist near wher i live tht told me very few thngs and the price and treatment time. my mum has always been unsure of whether i should get thm becuz of the hole retainer thing bt a year later i managed to convince her to let me c an ortho her dentist recomended, ( my mum lives in australia, i live in nz) so i went to hers, he was great told me everythng i really needed to knw, but only problem was i ddnt wnt to go live with my mum to get the treatment in aussie, so another year later when tlking to a friend she told me a bout her ortho she went to, so i went along to this one in nz and it was great she told me everythng the one in australia dd and more, down side was she was one of the most expensive ones where i live. But my parents have pulled through so im sticking to the third orthodontist and my treatment is going to strt soon. yay...... it may have taken 3 years to find the right one but it was worth it. (sorry long post :oops: )

Opinions are Opportunities

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:45 am
by ciaowy
Yes!!! I saw 3 orthos before making my decision on what course to take. Third time was definitely a charm for me. The first one wanted an expander on the top and bottom and mentioned jaw surgery, and the second one was ready to slap some braces on me and call it a day. I also had to get x-rays at a different location before really gathering a true idea of what to expect. The third consultation did my x-rays that day and allowed me to ask every small and tedious question I could come up with. Thanks to insurance, I'm paying around 1500.00 for mine. That doesn't count all those months I've been paying the premium, however. So, we're doing an expander and turning the key twice weekly and braces in a few months... I've already made $15 in ortho bucks, too!