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Day 2 in braces and ready to quit!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:52 pm
by sydsmom
Got my braces on Wednesday (chose all metal, after much pause)....

Morning, Day 1: doing great! The process itself was fairly easy, painless. I left the office feeling good that I was doing this for myself, scoffed at the ortho's advice to take some painkillers, and headed to work :-)

Evening, Day 1: still doing pretty well. Lots of pressure, felt all my teeth loosening, some pain but not too bad. Eating was impossible, but hey, this is cool anyway! Still haven't taken any painkillers.

Morning, Day 2: still doing okay. Took the dog for a walk, went to work. Felt a lot of "itchiness" from the loosening teeth (if that makes sense), but still no need for painkillers even though I'm hurting somewhat.

Afternoon, Day 2???? Okay, shoot me :-( Now my cheeks are all scraped up from those darn hooks on my molar brackets, I can't chew because my molars don't meet since my top teeth hit my bottom brackets, I can't talk right, can't eat, every single tooth in my head aches. I already popped a bracket from top tooth hitting bottom bracket. And every time I look in the mirror I see these horrible metal things in my mouth! I feel like I've been decked with a baseball bat, and then reincarnated as a 12-year-old :-(

Plus, my midline has shifted already -- and NOT in the right direction, and trying to sit through meetings at work is absolute TORTURE!!!

It can't get *worse* than this, RIGHT???!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:59 pm
by Nikkiekoala
The first few days/week are the worse. BUT IT DOES get better!!!! Rinse with warm salt water to help heal any canker sores and don't be afraid to use wax. Take advil for the aches. It will get better, believe me.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:30 pm
by Flora2006
sydsmom - i was just like you the first week of getting my's been just over a week and i am still adapting to this whole thing...but things will get better...really!!

the pain and soreness will get much better real soon once your cheeks and lips get used to the brackets. i used wax only once or twice and i guess my cheeks got used to the brackets rapidly because they are completely pain-free.

Make sure to rince your mouth with salted water and I also find that either drinking a really cold smoothie or ice cream helps a lot because of the coldness...

stay strong :)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:09 am
by missing_tooth
I can't speak from experience but when I was braced today I was told the pain could last from a couple days to a week. It varies from person to person.

I can say I feel your pain. I took a nap today and when I woke up my teeth felt as though they had been smaked on the pavement.

Just think, you CAN make it. Thousands of kids get braced every year. I'm thinking it just takes some getting used to.

Sorry to hear your not feeling so great about your choice of metal. Ceramics might not be so great either as they are larger. Try to view them positively as they are on now.

Wishing you the best with your braces

- Missing Tooth -


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:33 am
by noppi
Hang in there. It gets better. I know you're thinking what have I got myself into?! Because I thought a lil bit like that. I got braced on Friday. It was okay that day, then got achy in the evening. Saturday was probably the worst. Sunday a little better but still achy. I took advil everyday for a few days. It's now almost one week and my teeth feel weird, but they don't hurt anymore. I still feel pressure of course - and I guess I should since my teeth are moving - but it's a lot more bearable. Just eat soft foods and be careful. You'll be happy in the long run!

Re: Day 2 in braces and ready to quit!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:43 am
by mtbrncofn
sydsmom wrote:Got my braces on Wednesday (chose all metal, after much pause)....

Morning, Day 1: doing great! The process itself was fairly easy, painless. I left the office feeling good that I was doing this for myself, scoffed at the ortho's advice to take some painkillers, and headed to work :-)

Evening, Day 1: still doing pretty well. Lots of pressure, felt all my teeth loosening, some pain but not too bad. Eating was impossible, but hey, this is cool anyway! Still haven't taken any painkillers.

Morning, Day 2: still doing okay. Took the dog for a walk, went to work. Felt a lot of "itchiness" from the loosening teeth (if that makes sense), but still no need for painkillers even though I'm hurting somewhat.

Afternoon, Day 2???? Okay, shoot me :-( Now my cheeks are all scraped up from those darn hooks on my molar brackets, I can't chew because my molars don't meet since my top teeth hit my bottom brackets, I can't talk right, can't eat, every single tooth in my head aches. I already popped a bracket from top tooth hitting bottom bracket. And every time I look in the mirror I see these horrible metal things in my mouth! I feel like I've been decked with a baseball bat, and then reincarnated as a 12-year-old :-(

Plus, my midline has shifted already -- and NOT in the right direction, and trying to sit through meetings at work is absolute TORTURE!!!

It can't get *worse* than this, RIGHT???!!!
LOL Syd'smom! I can laugh because we've all been there. Just wait til that random drooling starts up. ;)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:49 am
by Marzipan
Hang in there! Where the braces scrape - use wax. That made my life SO much nicer.

Chew foods slowly. My bite has moved all over the place, too, but it's manageable. Some things just are out - bagels, peanut brittle. But most stuff is fine, I just don't chomp down hard.

As for all the metal, I rather enjoy it. Kind of punk or something, don't you think? I enjoy going "full metal bracket." Just smile away - confidence is what makes people think you look great.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 6:08 am
by montesser
Oh my gosh. This story is all too familiar. By the end of the first week, I was really considering going back to my Ortho and saying, "I've changed my mind. Get thses things off of me." And I have a really high threshhold for pain. I even had my extractions done while without IV Sedation. But trust me and everyone on this site. It does get better, much better. BY the 3rd week, I didn't feel any pressure at all, but I know my teeth were still moving because the wire still had to become straight. I go back for my first adjustment next Tuesday. I hear that the first adjustment is sometimes worse than when you first get them on, but the pain and pressure doesn't last nearly as long. And kk is right. Use lots and lots of lip balm. And remember, everytime that you think you can't stand the pain and pressure, just think of all the kids and teenagers that get this done everyday. You aren't going to let some kid make you feel like a wimp :lol: ? Remember when Tootie had braces on the Facts of life, she still had to go to work everyday, and talk with a mouth full of metal. And she couldn't even vote yet.

Good luck with your progress. We are all in the same boat together.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 6:22 am
by Kell
Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time right now. I hope you feel better quickly. I am a day behind you getting braces so I may be writing a post like yours later on today or tomorrow.

Re: Day 2 in braces and ready to quit!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:17 am
by Bianca
mtbrncofn wrote:LOL Syd'smom! I can laugh because we've all been there. Just wait til that random drooling starts up. ;)

Oh my gosh, the drooling. I am totally grossing myself out by how much drool I have.

I've got that dang TPA so it doesn't ever seem like the drool completely leaves my mouth.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:25 am
by missing_tooth
I enjoy going "full metal bracket." Just smile away - confidence is what makes people think you look great.
Agreed. Smile with confidence. Even if braces is the first thing people notice about you, no one is going to think anything less.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:54 pm
by Snow
Hello, sydsmom,

Hang in there. It does get better! Think about the end result. It will help you get through the difficult days!


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:27 pm
by gemini
Three words for you:

Wax , Peroxyl and Patience

I probably would be writting a post just like yours if it wasn't for WAX. The brackets with hooks feel razor sharp, and they do cut into your cheeks like butter. That is where those 2 things come together: the wax covers the hook so no more poking through the cheeks, and the peroxyl calms and helps heal the ouchie. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:35 pm
by texasangel
Hi Sydsmom,

I can still remember those days a little over a year ago (1/10/05).
Like everyone said, it WILL get better. I took pain relievers every 4 hours religiously probably for about 6 months.
Also, salt water IS good for a rinse, but you might also try Biotene Mouthwash. It has worked good for me. And also take L-Lysine supplements, it helps heal the canker sores faster. And like everyone is saying -- use your WAX. It is a life saver !

Good luck !!!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:35 pm
by texasangel
Hi Sydsmom,

I can still remember those days a little over a year ago (1/10/05).
Like everyone said, it WILL get better. I took pain relievers every 4 hours religiously probably for about 6 months.
Also, salt water IS good for a rinse, but you might also try Biotene Mouthwash. It has worked good for me. And also take L-Lysine supplements, it helps heal the canker sores faster. And like everyone is saying -- use your WAX. It is a life saver !

Good luck !!!