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When your lips are completely relaxed, do they touch?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 6:55 am
by ilmank
Mine don't, and I was wondering if there was anything wrong with that.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:14 am
by Geri
Hi ilmank. No, mine don't either since I have the braces. I have to make a small effort to close them or there is a little gap. I think this is normal, given that there is all this ceramic in the way, and things will go back to normal once they are removed.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:20 am
by Svensk Tiger
Mine don't, they never have done as I have an openbite. I'm having jaw surgery this year which will correct it. Don't worry though, as Geri said it's probably just the braces that are causing it. I would imagine that your ortho would have said if it was caused by a skeletal openbite.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:08 am
by Anticipator
Not at the moment.

Mostly because I cannot close my jaw all the way, but partially because of the extra distance the brackets add to the mix.

On my first day with braces my girlfriend was flattering enough to let me know I look even more like Napolean Dynamite because I was now mouth breathing. :evil:

EDIT: wanted to clarify that it's because of tooth movement from braces that my jaw isn't closing all the way. I previously was able to.


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:13 am
by Bianca
Nope.... but then again they never have, love those overjet upper teeth!

I was just thinking about that on my drive in to work, I am assuming when my upper teeth have been pulled back in two years my lips will be able to close and be relaxed, but I can't even imagine what that will be like.

It's strange to think about.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:56 am
by Natasha_26
Mine dont as well :( . My Ortho said that it will be the same after my braces are off too becoz the problem is with my lip rather than my teeth.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:54 am
by camille4824
I never really thought about this until you mentioned that you have I have realized they don't touch....hopefully that will change....once the brackets come off---they seem HUGE to me lately :roll:

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:24 am
by drazda
Mine do not close, I have an overbite. I don't think they'll close after the braces come off either, but after my braces come off, I'll want everyone to see my teeth!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:41 am
by ilmank
I had braces several years ago. Because I didn't wear my retainer as perscribed, there was crowding in my lower teeth so I got refitted just for the bottom. I got those braces off about a month ago. I guess I still have a small overbite, so that's why my smile still looks a bit awkward, but there's no way I'm getting braces for the upper teeth again. Oh well, such is life and genetics. Thanks for your responses, everyone.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:42 am
by Shawnie
My lips stay open a little. They always closed before braces, so I know it's just all this stuff in my mouth. I can close them, but it fells more natural to have them open a little. ( It kind of brings my chin up in a funny way when closed all the way)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:43 am
by Shawnie
My lips stay open a little. They always closed before braces, so I know it's just all this stuff in my mouth. I can close them, but it feels more natural to have them open a little. ( It kind of brings my chin up in a funny way when closed all the way)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:24 am
by dena
mine never did (my ortho said i had muscle strain in my face to close my lips before the braces because of the overbite). they still definitely don't with the braces, but with teeth removed now, they will soon! :)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:56 pm
by aims
Mine close all the way, but seem to bulge out a little more than they used to.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:48 pm
by Leslie022
Mine close but they always have...

Re: When your lips are completely relaxed, do they touch?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:21 am
by Anna5
Mine don't close and I am afraid they also won't after braces.....