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Lig fading question

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:07 pm
by OceanGirl
Do some colour ligs seem to fade or stain faster then others. I've had a lot of different colours since I've been braced. I think the fastest to fade/stain was the orange ones I had for halloween. Red ones seemed to stain fairly quickly as well. I think the yellows and pink ones I've had seemed to stain the least as well as the green ones I had for Christmas. I don't smoke or drink tea or coffee. I have the occasional pop. I don't really eat anything that would stain them that much.

What colour ligs did you have that faded/stained the quickest. I'd like to avoid those as much as possible.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:43 pm
by Flora2006
i just got my braces not too long ago so i've only had clear far they haven't really stained just because i am so paranoid to stain them that i basically only drink water but yeah..i would guess that the clear ones stain the most

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:09 pm
by Lyn
This last time I had WHITE put on, instead of my usual clear.

They have not stained as quickly as the clear ones. I drink tea everyday, so I am happy that they have stayed white.

I'm not daring enough to try "colors" being 41 and all. It's bad enough I have people comment about my braces and why I have them. Its better to just let them "blend in"....hahaha :lol:


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:59 pm
by mackenzie
I usualy go with light pink one month and light blue the next, and I find both of them fade somewhat. I only use whitening toothpaste right before my appointment because i've found it makes them fade quite a bit.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:31 am
by metalmouth moi
I've had light blue fade quite a bit , and light green fade also. The best to hold its colour was dark green. Must say I really got tired of the green. Couldn't wait to get them off.
(To paraphrase the BareNaked Ladies If I had a Million Dollars
But not a real green lig , thats cruel ) :D
Rambling , sorry!