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Dental wax on, dental wax off!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:08 pm
by genxsis
I just had to say that!

But my question is: Is it ok to use wax over and over again? I put a blob of it on each of my upper molar bands so they don't scrape up my cheek, and to keep me from biting my cheek with the bands (ouch!). I leave it there all day until I brush at night when I temporarily remove it for brushing, then put it on again for the night. "Eating" hasn't caused it to come off since the only eating I do now is drinking liquids.

How long does a piece of wax last? Does it break down while in the mouth?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:37 pm
by gemini
Karate Kid has nothing on me, I wax on / wax off way more often!
I have the same question as you do.

I change the wax every 4 hours or so everytime I brush :?:
Before breakfast / after breakfast
remove before lunch / replace after lunch
remove before snack / replace after snack
remove before dinner / replace after dinner

Question is... For how long?
I wonder if my cheeks will ever get used to that hook that keeps poking me, if I keep covering it with wax? Or, will the wax decrease my cheek's sensitivity enough so that one day I may not need it?


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:07 pm
by Bianca
Meryaten wrote:which suggests to me it has become a nasty festering-germ-ridden glob of ookiness. :FeelSick:
*grin* well that about says it all!

I replaced mine every time I brushed my teeth, so roughly 3-4 times each day. It just seemed icky otherwise.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:35 pm
by missing_tooth
I've only used wax once so far, and I'm only on day two. I'm hoping using less will help my mouth to toughen up sooner.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:19 pm
by sydsmom
I'm with you, missing_tooth -- I'm on day 3 and still wax free! My theory is that if I just get the unbearable pain overwith, my mouth will toughen up faster....Seems to be working so far.

Although, I could see how it would help to use it at night and give your mouth a chance to heal a little.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:56 am
by missing_tooth
Thanks for that info KK. So just how long until your mouth toughens up? I guess I find this wax stuff kind gross.


- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:44 am
by sydsmom
it won't help your mouth toughen, as the skin will be continually being replaced with fresh soft skin
Thanks from me, too, KK :-) That's a good argument to just go ahead and use it. I have these brackets on my molars that have very sharp hooks (with no ball -- don't know what they're called) and as a result my cheeks are extremely raw. OUCH!! I actually used the wax last night for the first time and it was like heaven :-)

On Day 4 this morning, and feeling like I can do this!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:46 pm
by genxsis

And a "thank you" also from me! Just today, I decided to go without the wax as long as I'm not eating to make the process go faster of toughening up my cheek. But if that doesn't make any difference, then I'll put the wax back on and be a happier camper as a result.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:01 pm
by spragers
I've found that waxing an offending bracket helps heal the sore spot very quickly. Non-irritated skin heals faster than irritated skin, plan & simple. Your mouth will still "toughen up" because of the pressure of the wax on it.

Heck, my braces are comin off in a month, and I still feel like waxing at times when those back molar band hooks start digging in :D

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:01 pm
by spragers
I've found that waxing an offending bracket helps heal the sore spot very quickly. Non-irritated skin heals faster than irritated skin, plan & simple. Your mouth will still "toughen up" because of the pressure of the wax on it.

Heck, my braces are comin off in a month, and I still feel like waxing at times when those back molar band hooks start digging in :D

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:30 pm
by bbsadmin
You can definitely re-use wax and silicone, but it seems more hygienic to replace it at least daily, if not a couple of times per day. I remember in those first weeks especially I would have been hella crankier if not for wax.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:49 pm
by NotBob1
My system (so far) has been to tough it during the day and use the "Comfort Covers" at night. They give the inside of my mouth a break for the night.

I've tried the wax, but my tongue wants to push it out thinking it's food or something. I haven't tried the silicone yet, though I have a few that I ordered.

I really wish I had these covers back in 1986!

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:24 pm
by TuZZi
Wax w00000 WAX! My best in-braces friend. I've had wax on one of my molar bands since pretty much day 30 or so. The canker sore that appeared there has finally almost gone away (after 2.5 months,) but the skin there is still mega-sensitive, and super thin, so I'm going to keep the wax on there for a little bit longer.

When I have a busy day at work, I can easily go 12 hours with the same wax in, since I usually don't have time to eat let alone brush my teeth and change the wax. I have even gone almost 24 hours with the same wax in, and I've had no problems with it, although sometimes it wears a little thin if I've had a few hot drinks that day.

Basically, if you eat something though... you should brush and then re-wax again. I only leave my wax in for long periods of time because I usually don't have time to eat, so I rely on a liquid diet until I can get home and actually eat slowly.

Wax can seriously be your best friend though... it will help out a lot if you have any discomfort with your brackets.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:41 pm
by weird_wired
When I first got my braces, in particular the lowers, parts of my mouth had a kind of what I think was a "shock reaction" where they almost went allergic to the brace or something. I had tiny blisters all over one half of my inside lower lip. I put heaps and heaps of wax on until they went, because there was no point aggravating them.

They pretty much all reabsorbed with breaking and forming ulcers, after which my mouth had calmed down quite a bit and could cope fine without wax.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:05 pm
by Betty Bat
I'll agree that "Wax is Good". I've only had to use it a few times, once for a canker sore (after I used a mouthwash with sodium lauryl sulfate [bad]) and once after my wire was changed. Not sure why a heavier wire made such a difference, but it did. And, it's just one place in my mouth that's always the problem. I found that for many of the times, it was enough to put the wax on when I went to sleep and my mouth was much better in the morning, enough so that I didn't feel that I needed to keep it on during the day.

I'm also in the camp of wax-reusers. But, I did find that after a few times, it loses its stickiness so it's harder to put on.