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Raising / Saving Money to get braces?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:55 pm
by Kimmy
I'm a busy mom of two and I'm dying to get braces. The only obstacle putting things on hold is trying to get the money. Has anyone else been in this situation and what did you do to raise / save money? I have a 3 year old daughter and an 8 month old son. I can't get over the feeling of "robbing" them by spending $180 a month on myself for braces even though it's something I've always wanted. I would love to know of ways I could raise the money on my own. If anyone else has some ideas please let me know. :)


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:18 pm
by Leslie022
I'm not a mom, however, I am a full time student with a part time job. What I did to save up money was to deposit between 10% and 15% of each paycheck into a savings account just for my braces. I did this just so I could afford to pay the initial down payment. My monthly payments are $215/month. To be honest, I haven't done any saving for that other than cutting back on my spending. I'll basically be going paycheck to paycheck in order to make my monthly payments. Sorry if this wasn't much help!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:14 pm
by missing_tooth
Braces are a lot to save for. I think it's more something that you just have to do. I wouldn't being feeling guilty for taking care of yourself. Your kids are young right now, would you like to wait until both you and them need braces? Besides, you only have one set of teeth for life.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:44 am
by kirst1583
I'm also a full time student, working part time.
Initially I had to pay over $1000 to have the braces put on and then around $500 every 3 months. If I didn't have the money each time a payment was due I simply put it on my credit card and paid it off ASAP before it accumulated interest.
You didn't mention if you have a job though? If you do then see if there's a way you can put aside a little bit each week to get your treatment underway.. the sooner you do the better. As someone else mentioned - it's better to do it now rather than when both you and your kids need them!

robbing the kids?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:10 am
by Princess Braceface
Sorry, I haven't got any suggestions for making/saving money. I just wanted to say don't feel that you're depriving your kids. they are very young and have a very different outlook to older kids. It's when they get to teenagers that they notice what you're spending your money on! They also demand a lot more of your cash and eat non-stop! In my experience, littleuns are happy with paints and a giant cardboard box!!!
I'm lucky in that I work and can afford a monthly payment. Plus my orthodontist hasn't demanded a down payment and says I can pay monthly. As long as I've finished paying by the end of treatment, he's very flexible. Hooray!
Mother of 15,13 and 10 year olds! Soon to be a metalmouth... :?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:13 am
by **shinyhappybraceface**
I work full time and I'm a full time graduate student. I'd wanted to get braces for so long that I just had to make it happen. I have my paycheck split between two account - my regular one and my "braces fund" account. Every two weeks, a little goes into my account so that I can make payments.

Another idea if you're not currently working - baby clothes sell really well on eBay - maybe this could work for you as your children out-grow things (unless, of course, you're planning a third!)

By the way, I paid a chunk down & so much per month - maybe a payment plan is an option for you, as well. Seems to be what most people here do.

Oh - and don't feel like you're depriving your children. They deserve a happy mommy with high self-esteem...remember that you'll be a life-long role model for them.

Good luck!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:34 am
by Evelyn
Depriving your children? No no no, braces are definately not depriving your children! If you, say went on a vacatin to Vegas and blew a whole ton of money then that would be depriving your children! Braces are a health issue, it's not like your blowing your paychecks on unworthy causes, in my honest opinion, braces are probably the most worthy way of spending your money!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:23 pm
by dena
you can definitely go the financing route, but just remember it is a credit based option. I only say this because I planned to do that for part but was denied because I don't make enough money (and was--and still am--seriously peeved because I have a great credit score). I'm a grad student, hence the no money situation.

I was just really desperate and I financed all of this by debt basically--credit card and draining my accounts and salary. (Since I spent my pay on this extra expense, I had to take out more student loans). I mean, it would be ideal to save properly but I knew that if I did that, I'd never get the braces because I'd always use that money for something *necessary* like car repairs. I finally just said 'to hell with it, I'm doing it regardless of financial repurcussions!'

I'm not suggesting you go this route because you have a family. But, not all of us had neat and tidy extra savings put aside for this. And, in my situation at least, it is still going to work out fine, so I just did it.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:52 pm
by Nikkiekoala
I have 2 kids, I am a stay at home mom. I never felt I was depriving them of anything. They still get what they need. My husband gets quarterly bonus checks so that is where my $1,000 down payment came from. Insurance paid $1,500. That left us with $2,650. We refinanced our HELOC and got the necessary $2,650 from that. We were given a financing option thru' the ortho which would have made it to where I would have had a $125.00 month ortho bill. We couldn't afford that BUT in rolling over the balance into our refinanced HELOC it only added $25.00 to what we had already been paying!! PLUS it is tax deductable which is very importand since my husband has a in home side business, he is a drum instructor on top of working for an areospace manufactor company.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:52 pm
by Wingnut
See if your husband has a flexible spending account through his work. My husband does and it allows us to spend up to 7500.00 per calendar year in pre-tax dollars for medical/dental not covered by insurance. The entire amount is available at the beginning of the calendar year and deductions are taken out of every paycheck. What has been real interesting is, the deduction is 290.00 each pay period, but it only affected his paycheck by about half that because it gets taken out before taxes. My son and I are a year into treatment, completely paid for, and there was enough left over this year to put the down payment on my daughter, who gets braced 2/8/06, making it three in our house!

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:05 pm
by jennielee81
I used or tax return last year to get mine. $5000 was a BIG expense and without the tax return, I probably wouldn't have done it.

BUT, don't forget the payment plans that most orthos offer. My kids were about $1000 down payment and then $120 a month.

$120 a month isn't THAT hard to swing...for most people... :roll: is it? I've been dong it for so long with 3 kids spaced just right to continue to pay for the last 8 years, I may have lost touch with reality :crazy:

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:25 pm
by Jade

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:54 pm
by missing_tooth
I'm 24 and managed to get my mom & her new hubby to pay my down deposit, and my boyfriend to pay a portion of the monthly payments( I think he might help me with half)
At risk of making enemys, thats just wrong on so many levels.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 11:08 pm
by kirst1583
I agree with you. If I was totally desperate then i'd consider borrowing from my parents... but i'd definitely be paying it all back.
I can't even not pay my own way if we buy lunch when we are at the shopping centre!

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:21 am
by Jade
What's so wrong with my parents and my boyfriend helping me?
They know this is something I need, and I told them about what I was doing and they said they would help.