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Are they moving too fast?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:50 pm
by sleater

I'm just checking in to see if this time frame sounds normal?

02/03/06 - 4 extractions (14, 44, 24 & 34)
02/06/06 - spacers
02/11/06 - braces

I'm a little worried that maybe my mouth won't be healed in time for the spacers and braces? I am so paranoid about getting dry socket.

Does anyone have any suggestions for aftercare? I have been reading up online and some of the information is conflicting (don't rince for 24 hours to help the blood clot -yuck! vs. rincing often with warm salt water to keep it clean).

I am pretty nervous about the whole process.



Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:28 pm
by Flora2006
I don't think you need to worry...a lot of people on this board were/are on the same boat as you...

I can't relate because I didn't need any extractions or spacers or anything else before getting the braces but don't worry too much

If anything, talk to your ortho about your concerns, he/she's the best person to relieve your stresses...

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:43 pm
by sydsmom
sleater, try not to worry too much about timing :-) There are folks on this board who have had extractions and braces in the same day!!! I had extractions a week before braces, though I never had spacers so I can't add anything there... but a week in-between sounds pretty standard.

Just take care of yourself, and do what your dentist recommends after the extractions. Mine said no rinsing for 24 hours, then salt water rinses every 3 to 4 hours for two days following. As far as healing goes, mine are still not completely "healed" two weeks later (in the sense of having new gum tissue grown completely over), but literally the day after I had the extractions, the pain was gone.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:46 pm
by dena
i had my extractions 48 hours before the braces were put on. it was totally fine. (when i had my braces put on, they even had to use that sucking-straw thing that dentists use to get extra water out of your mouth) my ortho said he knew i wasn't supposed to use a straw after extractions but that i'd just have to do it carefully--i did and still had no dry sockets or anything. (he said he's never had anyone develop a dry socket because of that)

as a silver lining to the whole braces pain cloud, my mouth was sore from the extractions, but that went away once the braces went on...then i was sore from that! :D

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:41 pm
by sleater
Thank you everyone for helping me feel ease on the time frame issue.

I am still freaking about the extractions and the whole bracing process. I had my first melt down yesterday. My partner is really amazing and she reassured me that everything was going to be cool. I thought I was going crazy! But she made me realize that I am losing sleep and stressing because I am about to embark on a major change in my life. So not only am I freaked at the pain part but that my emotions are running all over the place due to the big change.

Did anyone else get like this a couple weeks before? I know it sounds strange but part of me is going to miss my messed up mouth...just a little bit.


02/03/06 - 4 extractions (14, 44, 24 & 34)
02/06/06 - spacers
02/11/06 - braces