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Introducing me...

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:32 pm
by fozzy
Hi everyone! I've been a very long time lurker of these boards (over a year!) and I'm very happy to report that I will be getting braced on February 2nd.
I'm 26, recently married, and will be getting full upper and lowers braced for approximately 18 months. My husband isn't too happy about me having braces, but he's been supportive and I know that it will be worth it in the end.
I get to keep my wisdom teeth! (very happy about that)
And my dentist is going to try to straighten my teeth without any extractions (he will be using slenderizing instead).
I've never had a cavity or anything, so I'm not experienced with dental work at all (other than the regular 6 month cleaning and check up). I'm uncomfortable having people sticking their fingers in my mouth, but I suppose I'll just have to get used to it!
Anyway, I just wanted to officially say hello to everyone. I'm sure I'll be on here a lot over the next year or so with lots of questions. :)


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:05 pm
by Flora2006
Congratulations on making this big step in your life!!

Make sure to eat a lot of good stuff before you get the braces; sticky food, hard food, sugary stuff ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:09 pm
by fozzy
Oh, I will, don't worry! I'm spending the night before at a friend's house and we're having a "forbidden foods" night. Popcorn, carrot sticks, candy, all the good stuff. And the morning I'm getting braced we will go out for a big breakfast at my favourite restaurant. I'm not sure when my teeth will be up for eating there again once my braces go on! :)
Thanks for the warm welcome. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:15 pm
by Betty Bat
Welcome! One piece of advice (that no one gave me!) is that it's very different to bite into food when you have braces on. I can chew just fine, but I can't bite! The one thing I really miss is a hamburger. So, if you're a fan of that kind of thing, you might want to have "one for the road".

And, other than one canker sore and a few times when I needed wax, I haven't had had too much trouble. Also, I think I've been going out of my way to point out my braces with friends and relatives the first time I see them post-braces. I had only one slightly rude remark (someone said "it's about time") but I think it sets the tone for others, when they know you are OK with your decision.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:26 pm
by missing_tooth
Welcome aboard!

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:07 am
by Kell
Welcome Fozzy! I don't like people messing in my mouth either. Just having the hygenist floss my teeth would stress me. I think reading here and knowing what to expect made a huge difference for me.