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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:21 am
by Jesslzz 01
What an interesting topic...I think that I might be a little obsessed about teeth in the future...even after braces, I believe.
I think that getting braces and wearing them for two or three years is a BIG experience and I don't think I would forget that so easily. I believe that I will always have some degree of awareness of my teeth and other people's teeth as well.
I think sometimes about the retainer stage of my treatment, and I feel the fear of having to go back to braces....I read some stories about that and I'm a little scared, even though I'm just beginning my journey! Ok, I'll deal with those feelings later, I guess... :P

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:42 am
by missing_tooth
I will always probably notice teeth more to a certain extent after braces. I see people in their 40's with missing teeth, or decay on them, or just plain crooked as day. I think to myself, come on people try taking care of yourself. I try not to be too judgemental though I know it can cost a lot of money, often more than people have.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:50 am
by Marzipan
One thing is certain: I notice MY own teeth a lot more. I'm frankly OBSESSED with them. :D

On the other hand I am not paying attention to the teeth of others. If someone has braces, sure, I'll notice that. I don't believe I'll ever be critical of other people's teeth. I know how long mine have been this way and a big part of it was cost all along. I don't want a movie-star smile. All I want is teeth that don't make me feel unattractive.

As for retention, yes, I'm quite concerned given the stories I've read. Also a friend who had braces from 49-51 has been out of braces for about two years now and I was talking to her the other day. She said her ortho hadn't insisted on her wearing the retainer, and now it doesn't fit anymore and she finds that her bite is changing somewhat. I told her to get back to that ortho right away and see about having a new retainer made to at least stop any additional movement.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:45 pm
by drazda
I do notice other people's teeth more now. I think it''ll always remain. I'm 21 and I've always hated my teeth. If I got braces at a younger age, and didn't have to experience having bad teeth for so long, then maybe I wouldn't notice as much.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:39 pm
by jenns91civic
I notice people's teeth even more since getting my braces OFF. I did notice them quite a lot while I still had braces but it's worse now lol. I notice people with braces, people without...if they have straight teeth I wonder if they had braces and if they have wonky teeth I wonder if they are pursuing treatment, don't know about treatment, don't care, or can't afford it?

I look at everyone's's pathetic really.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:46 pm
by Flora2006
Even since I got my braces I've been teeth obsessed!! It used to be something that I didn't really pay attention to but now it's the first thing I notice...and in the future when my braces are off, I'm pretty sure I'll remain obsessed with teeth.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:52 pm
by jcdamon3
I think I was always semi paranoid/obsessed about my teeth even before having braces which is what led me up to the decision to have them. I care alot about my teeth and always have. I just think that different people value different things. To some people a sports car is a priority over nice teeth. I can't help but think braces is a better value :-). Anyway, my obsession with my clenching and grinding and the outcome of those issues (pain and chipped teeth) got me where I am today. Having nice straight teeth I think was an extra incentive for me to get braces. If they told me I would have had to wear these things just to fix my bite for 2 years and I was going to get absolutely nothing else out of it, I probably would not have done it- let's be honest.

I am approaching late 40's and just want to maintain a nice smile. I think everyone can use an adjustment about 1/2 way through life ! :-) Having said that I am adjusting lots of other things in my life as well. The new year brought on a bunch of other stuff I want to change/improve. As Bruce Springstein once said "insight is expensive".

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:53 pm
by Evelyn
I'm definately critical of my own teeth, but I also know that everyone's are different and so I'm definately not going for perfection-I realize that there is no one perfect smile, so you can't really judge other people's teeth.

Do I judge other's teeth? I look at them definately and take note of them, but when they're not that good I don't judge them at all for it, it just reassures me that there is a reason that I'm going through all of this-for a marvelous smile.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:13 pm
by Leslie022
I have always noticed other people's teeth. I would comment to myself, "Oh wow, she has really nice teeth." I never confronted anyone on their smiles!! A person's smile is one of the first thing someone notices about them. I've never judged anyone on their smile. A smile isn't what describes a person.

As far as being obsessed...I am completely obsessed with my teeth right now and I have found myself noticing other people's teeth more often. But it's just an observation...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:59 am
by vanilla
Before I was braced I always admired people with straight teeth. I only was braced because I wanted to do something about my increasing self-consciousness about my crooked teeth. Funny thing is, now that I'm braced I don't notice other people's teeth that much and I'm hoping I'll have the same attitude towards my teeth once these suckers are off :P

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:53 am
by chrisd
lol! i thought i was the only tooth obsessed person out there.
ever since the first time i had braces as a teen i have noticed peoples teeth more, and that has not gone away in the last 15 years or so. so i guess the tooth obsession is permenant.
i guess that is natural, as our own teeth becomes such a focus for us for those 2-3 years we are in braces.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:40 am
by Brooke
OMG YOUR SOOOO RIGHT! Just the other day I was wondering what I would look like with straight teeth. And the first thing that came into my head was "BUT WHAT IF THEY DONT STAY STRAIGHT!" I am totally obsessed with keeping them beautiful and straight now. I can answer your question with a big YES! At least for me, I will notice every little thing now that will go wrong with my smile once the braces come off. I am literally sooo worried that my teeth and bite wont stay perfect once the braces are off. GREAT TOPIC!

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:37 pm
Great topic. I am one of those who "now" look at other people's teeth much more often than before being braced. I'm not judgemental out loud but i do say to myself " wow, you should really do something about that" LOL. I now notice more people with braces and older people ( i'm 42) rather than just teens.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:49 pm
by Betty Bat

"Does that mean that nutcases can walk through with stuff hidden in their mouths without being detected?"[/quote]

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:43 pm
by hannah164
I can totally relate to this post! Before braces I was very observant of other people's smiles! Now I am even more observant of other's smiles! Not to the extent that I judge a person on their smile because as I well know its not your fault what your smile looks like to begin with! :wink: I'd never comment on another person's smile unless I'm complimenting them on it! :wink:

-Hannah :frogbraces:


Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05
Next Adjustment is 2/1/06 where they will bond a bracket to my cuspid which was impacted!!!!