It all just hit me..

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It all just hit me..

#1 Post by ebjones1 »

I was at the dentist this morning getting my teeth cleaned, and I had a realization that kinda freaks me out - I'm getting my braces tomorrow, which means that this is the last day that my teeth will look like this. The next time I have no appliances, brackets, or wires on my teeth, I will look like a whole new person. It's a little scary. Not to say that I won't be absolutely thrilled - I've waited for what seems like eternity to get my teeth fixed - But it's a little odd to think that what I've always been self-concious about and wanted to fix will be done. It's almost hard for me to be excited because now I feel that I'm taking a major step, albeit a good one, in my life.. and I'm not really sure what the effect will be. I guess it's just hard to spend 20 years wishing and hoping for a great smile like all of your friends/family/co-workers seem to have.. and being the only one in a picture with that closed-lip grin.. And in two years, that will all change.

Sorry I ranted a bit.. I'm just really emotional and wanted to put my feelings out there.. I hope I wasn't too mushy or whiny for anyone :roll:


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#2 Post by hollywood_smile »

not at all, thanks for sharing it with us, of course is gonna be a big change, u'll get used to it and there's no way u ll regret or anything!
you will still be the same person but with a beautiful smile! cmon cheer up! and wait unpatient fot tomorrow lol!!! :P
I sooo Want a hollywood smilee....!!!!

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#3 Post by Aurelia »

Thats exactly the same way I feel about it all, I have had so many thoughts rushing about in my head. I'm 33 and should have done this years ago! My top brace is going on in about 45 mins time!!! I've just got in from work, having a quick brew and then I'm off. Can you believe it though today of all days I work up with the worst cold and sore throat ever, typical.
Gawd, my stomach is churning and I just want this part of it over and done with now.

I'll let ya know how I got on.
All good things come to those that wait

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#4 Post by missing_tooth »

Sorry I ranted a bit.. I'm just really emotional and wanted to put my feelings out there.. I hope I wasn't too mushy or whiny for anyone
Don't worry about it. That's what were here for. I too was very nervous the day before. Got very little sleep, strange dreams. I will tell you this, don't stress over it. It was much easier than I had anticipated. You'll be glad you did it.

- Missing Tooth-

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#5 Post by Shawnie »

I can completely relate to you about how emotional it is. That first week after getting them on was still even a little emotional for me. But after that, thoses feelings went away and I was glad I'd done it and saw things start to move , and then It's all in the past.

Isn't it funny how when you want to get your teeth fixed so bad, you look at everyone elses and it's like everybody has perfect teeth. Then you get your braces on and look at everybody elses teeth and notice lots of people, even celebrities whose teeth aren't perfect. Strange how our perception works.

Best of luck to you!
Braced - 10/04/05
Treatment - 30 to 36 months
Ceramic uppers, Metal lowers
Impacted canines-Crowding-Crossbite
6 baby teeth!
Canine exposure surgery of two teeth 3/29/06
2nd canine exposure of one tooth 11/15/06

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#6 Post by Marzipan »

Familiar feeling. :D

Know what I did right when I realized that was the last time I would see my teeth in their old placement with no braces? I hauled out the digital camera and took a bunch of pictures.

Then I posted some close-ups of my teeth from a few angles in the "Our Braces Stories" part of this forum, so I can follow my progress.

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#7 Post by dena »

I totally agree--I feel the exact same way. This is a big step, and you will be a completely changed person in so many ways after's really shocking and overwhelming...but also really great!

four bicuspids removed 1/3/06
clear uppers and metal lowers placed 1/5/06
timeframe for braces: 24-30 months

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#8 Post by chrisd »

well i guess we will have the same brace date. mine go on today at 1020 EST. i am nervously excited. i only woike up three times last night. lol.
it is strange, intellectually i realize that braces really are not that big of a deal- little bits of metal and ceramic that may cause some discomfort and increased cleaning time. but i cant quite convince myself of this, and i am sure it will be a shcok when i see myself with them the first time.

and yes i do have butterflys doing what must be some sort of mating ritual type flying in my stomach;-)
3m clarity on top changed to supertorque metal
3m victory metals bottom
estimated treatment time 16-20 months

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#9 Post by ebjones1 »

*update* - all went extremely well! I have experienced no pain so far and hope to keep it that way.. It helps that I still had some perscription ibuprofen leftover from getting my teeth pulled :D
I thank you all for your positive responses.. It always helps to know that you aren't alone!
Anywho, I got all metal with silver ligs on top, and "screaming pink" on bottom. I plan to take some pics over the weekend and I'll be sure to post them!
Like I said, everything feels good so far. I'm actually in a really good mood right now.. I feel like what I'm doing was a great decision and I'll be so happy when things start to move and progress. :wink:


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#10 Post by hannah164 »

Congratulations Ebjones on getting braced! :dance: :wink:

Glad to hear everything went well and I love your attitude! :thumbsup: Its going to keep you going!

Can't wait to see those awesome ligs!

-Hannah :frogbraces:


Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05
Next Adjustment is 2/1/06 where they will bond a bracket to my cuspid which was impacted!!!!

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#11 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I feel exactly the same way. My braces go on in two weeks, followed by a SARPE, shortly their after, and after full braces for a year or more, I have jaw surgery.

I keep saying to myself....this is the last two weeks that my mouth and really my face will look like this. While I'm excited about the upcoming changes, I'm also fairly nervous about how it is all going to change my looks. Call me vain, but I've had this face and these teeth for 41 years! I've sorta become accustomed to them, and while I know in the end it will be worth it I can't help but feel a little unnerved by it.

How so y'all get past that.....I know this board has helped. Certainly looking at all of the before and after pics has been great. I love seeing everyones transformation, and I look forward to seeing mine too, but it is scary!


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Re: It all just hit me..

#12 Post by luxekitty »

ebjones1 wrote:And in two years, that will all change.
I think that's what you have to keep your focus on, "eye on the prize". A journey begins with ONE step, but in the end you'll be giving those toothy grins you've envied for so long.

Right now I'm soo worried about getting a TPA appliance, its driving me crazy actually, but I just have to remember that it WILL NOT be there forever and in the end it would've all been worth while. (I'm trying remember that anyway. :oops: :P :shock: )
Braces off 9/19/08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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#13 Post by ebjones1 »

I just thought I'd let y'all (yes, I said y'all - don't pick on us southerners :wink: ) know how day two was going - It's great!! I'm not trying to jinx myself, but I woke up this morning with no tooth pain and only a mild headache - which was probably from being so overly-stressed and tired from yesterday. I took some excedrin this morning and feel good to go now :D
My fiance was so supportive when I got home and showed him.. I told him I felt like I should be in Revenge of the Nerds and he said, "Oh honey, it's ok - With my glasses, we can look like dorks together!" hehehe!
Also, my nance isn't bothering me at all - My tongue just kinda feels weird.. almost like when you burn it on hot soup and gets that odd numbing feeling.
Overall, I've only had to use wax once, and it was just when I was going to bed and didn't want to accidently sleep wrong and irritate my mouth.. but I didn't really even need it then! My mouth feels a little tight today, but definetly not painful in the slightest bit.. Yay!! :jump:


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#14 Post by Kell »

That's great to hear. I'm glad that everything is going well.
See my WWW link below.

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