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How bad are recycled braces?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:52 am
by Banana1214
So I've been investigating braces and orthodontists for several months now, and I've finally chosen the ortho I want to go with. The only thing is that during my last consult when I asked him if he recycled braces (which I'd read on several websites was bad to do), he said yes, sometimes. He says as long as the brackets are in good shape, there's no reason not to reuse them and that hospitals always reuse equipment after they've cleaned and sanitized it.

I really like this guy and am going ahead with it, but please someone tell me why it's so bad to recycle brackets and if I should go with someone else.


Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:08 am
by johnnys_angel
Well, as long as they sanitize them, I guess there's nothing "wrong" with them. I personally, being practically a germaphobe, would never do this, just because of the idea. However if you like your ortho, I'd say just do it! Good luck!


Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:19 am
by Bianca
Honestly - as long as they sanitize them there shouldn't be anything wrong.

It's all about what you can deal with mentally... if you can handle the idea that these brackets, which have been in someone else's mouth, are now going inside your mouth - then what's the problem?

If you like the ortho, then I wouldn't necessarily let this stop you.

They would be sanitized, so no little cooties from one mouth to the other, and after a couple days with 'em (which would suck whether they were recycled or not) they would feel like yours, and you probably wouldn't give it a thought.

This is one that is all about personal preference - there is nothing "wrong" with it, as long as you are okay with it (ie not grossed out by the idea)

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:59 am
by ingyandbert
Well, he could have lied and said no and you'd never know the difference. I wouldn't worry about it.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:05 pm
by altinure
I don't know why it'd honestly matter. It's less wasteful. They're completely sanitized. I think it'd be more disgusting to use a cup at a restaurant because those are not santized, just washed, so hundreds of mouths have touched those.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:38 pm
by chrisd
if you like the ortho but are bothered by the recycled braces, just ask that he use new ones. i am sure he will not mind.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:27 pm
by gypsydoodlebug
Is that a common practice for orthos? I never even thought to ask mine. I assumed after 2-plus years the brackets could get chipped, bent, etc. and that would negate the positive effects of the overall orthodontic procedure...

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:43 pm
by dr.j
It used to be common maybe over a decade ago now I'd say using braces over on different folks is taboo. I also think that makes you rather cheap. Patients are paying $4000-$6000 bucks the least they deserve is set of braces that has not been in someone elses mouth for 2.5 years. Hospitals may do differently but I would think no doc would advertise they recylce brackets. I have never and will never do this.
I would hope my colleagues would not either.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:22 pm
by JN_Woods
My ortho's office has a small sign in the office that says they use only new brackets that come individually sealed. It was off to the side of the check out area and barely noticeable. I had wondered if they used new brackets or not, but I guess it doesn't really matter. Everything else they are putting in my mouth (tools, mold trays, etc) are used and sanitized.

What would the price difference be for new versus used brackets to the ortho? Since I'm paying over $5K, I would want to know up front if they were going to use used brackets b/c like Dr. J said that just seems cheap. They should offer a discount if you opt to have used brackets.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:23 pm
by Banana1214
Well, thanks for your advice. I'm not sure what to do. I really want to stick with this guy, but if I tell him I want new, not recycled braces, how will I know that's what I'm getting? I mean, I doubt they'd look any different so he could just tell me they're new when they're not. I'll have to have a heart-to-heart with him next time I go in.



Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:42 pm
by Bianca
Banana1214 - how do YOU feel about recycled braces?

As I stated before, this one is completely a personal choice.

Are you okay with the idea of recycled braces, ones that are as good as new but were worn by someone else?

If you are okay with that, then this isn't a problem and you have nothing to worry about.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:08 pm
by KittyW
Patients are paying $4000-$6000 bucks the least they deserve is set of braces that has not been in someone elses mouth for 2.5 years.
Amen to that! I'm curious...just how expensive are the brackets anyway? They're stainless steel. I doubt if they're very expensive. Frankly I think the cost of orthodontic treatment is directly related to geographic location and your doctor's training.

I have Damon 3's and there is no way they could be recycled, especially the lower brackets...the plastic top portions of mine are "smushed" from my overbite and I've had several replaced already. My ortho's asst. informed me that the 1/2 plastic/half metal Damons have been discontinued for use on lower teeth for this reason and they've returned to all metal Damons.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:49 pm
by NotBob1
I wouldn't worry about it. They are autoclaved, sterilized, nuked, you name it. What about other things that are reused in the medical field many times over. Let's see.....without getting specific......Think of tools and camera equipment used to view the inside of your body and such. Not all of that stuff is disposable. There is nothing on a bracket that can absorb anything.

I guess I wouldn't really care. heck, mine could be used.....

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:50 pm
by NotBob1
Double post, sorry.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:14 pm
by shinyam
There is absolutely nothing wrong, trust me. It's all psychological!

Next time you go to a resaurant, are you gonna freak out because the fork was in a hundred people's different mouths at one time?

The braces are sterilized, there are no germs on them!

We should all recycle and do what we can to save the environment and resources.