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Eating with Expanders...

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:56 am
by theschnitzel
From talking to eating...the troubles of my expander continue to mount.

For three days now (since my expander was installed), I cannot chew correctly, I have been limited to ice creams, mashed potatoes, and oatmeals. I haven't had a decent meal in these three days...and most importantly, have not been able to eat meat (which is essential in anyone's diet...considering that it's a source of protein).

Has anyone else had this problem, or is having it presently?

I'm completely up for a challenge...but this seems impossible.

Thanks again,


Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:26 am
by Bianca
It's been three days, I promise it will get better.

It's been two weeks for me, and I have a TPA going across the roof of my mouth. It took me probably a week before I could start eating bite sized portions of soft foods, and now I can eat anything... although salads don't seem to work well with my TPA.

As far as protein goes - I lived on oatmeal for carbs and yogurt for protein, and lots of soup. Other protein ideas would be tuna fish, salmon (I went to a formal dinner two days after getting braced, the salmon was perfect for me), protein drinks like slim-fast, smoothies with protein, small pieces of cheese, maybe cut up pieces of lunch meat?

It's not impossible, it just means being a little creative with what you are eating... and again - this will pass, and you will have adjusted to it.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:49 am
by sydsmom
I'm vegan (no meat, no dairy). My protein sources now and before braces have been beans, peanut butter, tofu -- all very soft and easy to eat since my teeth don't meet yet and chewing is a chore.

If you can't eat meat, maybe make an extra effort to get "complete" vegetable proteins -- eat peanut butter on bread, or eat beans with cornbread or rice, or pea soup with crackers (let it sit so they get soft), etc.

I never liked tofu that much before, but if you stir-fry it in soy sauce, honey and garlic, it's *fabulous*, I swear!

If you feel you need more protein, you could try canned soups with small chunks of meat, or canned chili, and fish is nice and soft if you like it.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:56 am
by ssfw
Hi Josh,

You will adjust to your expander - I promise. I know it's difficult having an appliance in your mouth. If it wasn't for the hook on the band that keeps rubbing on my tongue and making it sore, I wouldn't have any problems with my expander. I'm using wax on the hook and using warm salt rinses and I dip a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide and swab it over the sore area of my tongue - this is to try to get my tongue to get back to normal. This seems to be helping - not sure if it's one thing that is helping but I'm continuing using all of these remedies (I think my tongue needs to heal completely first then it may be a bit better after that - I hope) My orthodontists' assistant told me after awhile my mouth and tongue will fully adjust to the expander. By the way I have a Quad-Helix expander.

In regards to eating meat, try shredding/dicing your favorite meat (prepared the way you like). I found a comfortable spot in my mouth to chew meat - the end molar, next to the molar with the band. Once you begin to eat a bit more you will find a good spot(s) to chew on also. If you like tunafish sandwiches, this tends to be easy on the teeth. The only things I have not been able to eat are hard/sticky/chewy foods. I had a need for something sweet last week and ice cream was the answer for me - I just rinsed well after I ate it - I didn't want to take the chance of breaking/bending the expander with some very crunchy cookies that I had.

Good luck and keep us posted.
