Question about Expanders?

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Question about Expanders?

#1 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Probably a dumb questions here, but can you folks tell me; Do Expanders attach to molar bands? or are the molar bands actually a part of the appliance? I guess what I'm wondering is when the expander is ready to come out, will my ortho just detach it from the rear bands, or will they have to take off the bands and all??

If they install if before my SARPE surgery, will my doctor have to operate around the appliance or can he take it out and put it back on when he is done? Does it hurt when they put it on? I was thinking I might want to get it a week early to have time to get used to it, but if its going to hurt, I think I would rather be asleep when they do it! I don't know if I can take bands, braces, and the expansion appliance all in one day!


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#2 Post by stargirl »

Expanders are usually connected to the molar bands... meaning that when the expander is taken out, the molar bands go with it and new ones are put on.

I have heard of some expanders being... sawed? off of the molar bands. But mine wasn't.

I have no experience with SARPE... but wouldn't it be hard to do the surgery around the expander? Sounds difficult for the surgeon, but maybe that's how it's done, I'm not quite sure.

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#3 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

My ortho is putting me in braces first then the SARPE. My OR said my ortho could just put the appliance in but not cement it until I come in for the SARPE and he will do that when he is done, or he said I can hand carry it and he can do it all. I'm just wondering will I have regular bands on my rear molars and this appliance will attach to the secondary molars?


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#4 Post by missy »

My RPE was also placed prior to surgery. Nearly all the work from my surgery was done through the gumline and not at all from the underneath.

Also, I think it's a good idea to get it early (I did also) so your mouth has time to adjust before adding the trauma of surgery (just my opinion though). The RPE doesn't hurt except your tongue will get a little sore for a few days until it gets used to it. Nothing too horrible. :)


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