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Do you think people w/ straight teeth just don't understand?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:00 pm
by drazda
I had a friend ask me how much my braces were a while ago, and I replied $3,500. She was shocked and thought I was crazy for spending that much on braces. Mind you, her teeth are straight! I know it's expensive, but I only have one set of teeth my whole life, and I want them to be straight. Why would I want to be self conscious about smiling and laughing my whole life?

Her comments kinda upset me. Does anyone else have friends with straight teeth who just don't get it?


Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:22 pm
by Bianca
So far I have been blessed by wonderful people around me - even those with naturally straight teeth - and everyone has understood.

I think I am the only one around me who sometimes wonders if I should be spending this much money.... at which point my husband and my friends reassure me that I am not being frivilous or wasteful.

So I think some straight teethed people might not understand, but everyone I have talked with has been fabulous!

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:49 am
by missing_tooth
I don't think most people with strait teeth understand. If there teeth weren't strait I think they would understand. Most people around me are very supportive. I do have a couple family members that think I'm a bit crazy, but then again, they don't have to hide a smile do they?

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:22 am
by weird_wired
People don't always understand, because they are used to seeing you as you are, and probably don't think your teeth are that bad. Or don't really notice. Especially those that look at you through eyes of friendship and love.

But when you actually show them progress pics, a lot of them will then realise why you got it done.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:52 am
by Svensk Tiger
Some people certainly don't understand, especially as I'm also having jaw surgery. One friend even referred to it as my "reconstruction", which was very hurtful. She, of course, has naturally beautiful teeth. I think that while most people are understanding there will always be some who cannot empathise with a lifetime of hating your teeth and, in my case, my profile too.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:19 am
by braceface1230
I think a lot of people with straight teeth understand also. A lot of the people I work with have had braces and I never new that. They've been very understanding and curious about my progress. More people than we could imagine have had braces I think.

For those who make negative comments about how much it costs, just forget that. They obviously just haven't thought through what they are saying. Until they walk in your shoes, they shouldn't really comment.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:05 am
by OnMyWay
"People don't always understand, because they are used to seeing you as you are, and probably don't think your teeth are that bad. Or don't really notice. Especially those that look at you through eyes of friendship and love."

I completely agree with weird's quote here. People that see you consistently just don't see what's reallly there anymore, especially if its distorted by other emotions.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:25 am
by IndyBraceFace
I've been so lucky because everyone around me has been so comforting and excited for me. My family members think I look "so cute" with my braces. Before I got my braces, my family, friends, and co-workers all said, "You're smile is so pretty!" but were very supportive of my decision. This process has really made me grateful for the people that I have in my life!

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:57 am
by hollywood_smile
they dont understand at all!, i grew up with straigh teeth and i remember telling my school mates, why are you going to the dentist or (ortho) instead of doing something else? why spendidng time in there, rather than hang out with friends or join a sports team etc, for some of them was hard to practise some sports i guess because of their braces or were scared to get hitted, i used to sort of laughed at some, and about two years a friend had a jaw surgery, i didnt have any idea of what was that and i asked her for pictures of her extreme makeover..... :oops: .......from about a year and a half, i ve received comments from family about my teeth, and now im sooo on my teeth, i mom has great natural straight teeth, and now that im on mine, she doesnt care as much as i do, and sometimes sort of laugh when i tell her my concerns on not a beautiful smile and straight teeth.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:45 am
by ingyandbert
A lot of people with straight teeth have already had braces. But for the lucky ones who haven't and just don't get it, ask them if they've had their eyes lasered or are planning to. After all, couldn't they just wear glasses everyday if they wanted to see?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:13 pm
by jcdamon3
I guess some people you can trust telling them the price of things and others you can't. Your next response for the next person that asks should perhaps be that you are not willing to divulge that information.

I had straight teeth to start but would not say anything mean to anyone who thinks they want to spend that kind of money. Heck I had a friend that spent 5 grand on an area rug! But I didn't say anything to her when she told me. And I didn't ask her how much it was, she offered the info.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:49 pm
by Marzipan
While friends and family have been supportive, some have said more than once, "You look fine," as though this doing this seem a bit frivolous or unnecessary to them. My sister, for example, claims to not really understand why I think my teeth look bad. Admittedly, this is how she is used to seeing me.

Then I did something that changed her mind. I took a pic of her with a nice smile (with her lovely gapless teeth of course) and downloaded it to the computer. I am pretty good with Photoshop. I gave her a gap similar to my own. The photoshopped picture looked extremely realistic - it wasn't crudely done. I showed her the before and after pictures.

She didn't quite have a heart attack when she saw herself with a big fat gap, but she got the point.

Before I finally decided on the braces, I also photoshopped myself and decided it would be worth it. I would finally like the way I look when smiling.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:09 pm
by ssfw
I don't think there are that many people that are born with perfect teeth, aligned and has a good bite, etc. Then there are those that had orthodontic treatment when they were younger and there parents paid for it and some probably had insurance to cover a portion of it also - of course, they never had to pay for it out of their own pocket so they probably don't realize how expensive it was, even if it was years ago. I do know orthodontic treatment seems to be getting more expensive, so the longer you wait the more expensive it can get.

Yes, spending thousands of dollars on your teeth is alot of money, but the outcome will be teeth that look better and healthier and you will be so happy that you went through with it. If you think about it, having the wonderful and healthy smile after your ortho treatment is something you will have forever. I guess if you divide the amount you pay by the number of days you will have this wonderful and healthy smile, it may only add up to what you would spend on 1 or 2 cups of coffee per day, or less and this is what some people buy on a daily basis. Orthodontic treatment can also make you less self-conscious and maybe more self-confidence - that I think is worth more than you can ever think.


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:14 pm
by ingyandbert
Wow, how cool is that? I would love to see a photo of what my smile might look like in the end. I guess you can paste your sister's smile on your photo and get an indication.

Re: Do you think people w/ straight teeth just don't underst

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:38 pm
by weird_wired
drazda wrote:I had a friend ask me how much my braces were a while ago, and I replied $3,500
And one more thing to consider: straight, uncrowded teeth can significantly reduce the chances of gum disease and tooth decay.

I am sure plenty of people with straight teeth know just how expensive a filling or root canal can be - the less we have to pay out for, the better. Braces might actually work out cost effective for some people in the long run ;)