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My Waterpik is Freaking Me Out!

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:37 am
by ingyandbert
I’ve never used one before, but the ortho told me to get one. I read the instructions and chose the nozzle that is supposed to be the more gentle of the two. But every time I try to use it, I can only last a few seconds. It just seems too intense. Any advice? (I’ve only had my braces on for 6 days, if that matters.)

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:09 pm
by weird_wired
I haven't used a water pik, but after getting braces on my teeth were so sensitive that I could barely even brush them with a supersoft brush. I couldn't use the firmer V-brush my ortho gave me for quite some time.

After getting my lower teeth shaved, they were so sensitive and loose that I couldn't get floss near them for a while, and again could barely brush them.

I actually found an electric toothbrush helpful at this stage: I didn't "press" it against my teeth at all, just held it gently near enough to make contact. I also bought a detachable interdental "pick" style head for it - you might find this a gentler option for now.

See how you are in another week, if it's still too sensitive, maybe consult your ortho.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:25 pm
by ingyandbert
Good call. I'll wait another week and try it again then. Thanks!

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:06 pm
by jcdamon3
My water pik is adjustable as far as how intense the stream is. If I put it all the way up it does hurt a little. It hurts alot if my gums are sore but if my teeth are sensitive this does not seem to affect the pain at all. Tthe right about of pressure can actually feel quite soothing. Make sure you use warmish water or it won't feel good at all.

Does yours adjust? If not, you should get one that does.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:53 pm
by Marzipan
It was the same for me at first.

Use warm water.

And until you get used to it, just sweep it over the gums. Don't leave it on one spot for even two seconds. Eventually the gums get used to it and can handle more.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 11:35 am
by kel

I have been having problems using my waterpik too. I have had it for a while but it hurts and sprays all over the bathroom so I give up. :( I would really like to use it and was wondering what the best way to use it is? Like how far to hold it away and whether to turn it on before or after positioning it?? :Questions:

Sorry this sounds really silly :oops: but I have been really stuck with it so any tips would be greatly appreciated!!!



Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 12:14 pm
by jcdamon3
Hi there,

What kind of waterpik do you have? I have a Conair Interplak and it basically has a dial for the water pressure. You can set it from 1 to 10. I keep mine on about 5. I do know that if my gums gets sore for any reason it really hurts alot. If my teeth are sore because of an adjustment then it feels pretty good.

Keep it on the lowest setting and keep the water as close to body termperature as possible or even a little warmer. If it still hurts check your gums and make sure that they aren't bleeding when you are flossing. If they are you need to clear up that problem or you may never feel comfortable with your waterpik. It could also be that the brand you purchased just simply has too much pressure. I can't really help you sort that out. I just know that the interplak has 10 settings.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 12:26 pm
by kel

Thanks for the reply. I think I just have a waterpik waterpik, if that is possible?!? It had two different nozzles for different strengths. I am using the dark blue one which is supposed to be weaker. My gums don't bleed when flossing so I think that you might be right and maybe I need a pik with an adjustable setting, living in England I just don't think that we have the variety of products that are available in the US.

Thanks for the advice,


Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 1:57 pm
by CLAmom
I don't think I could have used my waterpik if it didn't have pressure adjustments. Mine is set in the middle so the pulse is very gentle and it still gets a lot of gunk out of my mouth (even after flossing & brushing). I couldn't use it at all, though until about 2 weeks after banding because of the soreness. I still shoot myself in the face sometimes even though I turn it on after I put it in my mouth & close my lips. I'm naturally graceful that way. Now that I've gotten used to it, I love the way it massages my gumline. :)

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:40 pm
by Leslie022
I'm with Lucy, if you don't want the mess, just keep your mouth closed! It solves everything until you mouth fills up with water! hehe

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:22 am
by kel
lol I have been standing there bracing myself (excuse the pun!!) for the shot of water!!! :shock:

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:23 am
by kel
I mean with my mouth wide open!!

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:04 pm
by fins
If you can get a waterpik with different settings, get one. Mine has 7 and I use setting 7 almost all the time. You must use warm water, cold water can really hurt! The other trick is to keep your head as close to the basin as possible. That means you can't look in the mirror to see where you are cleaning but you won't need to, you will see as you move it around that it's doing its job. Sometimes I need to refill the waterpik and do it twice. The sink will be an awful mess but your teeth will be food free. Hope that helps. Oh, and keep flossing too.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:28 pm
by CreedAngel81
The waterpik is a must with braces. Its amazing how much gunk gets stuck in the back braces...yuck. Is it normal to not be able to floss in the very beginning. Its almost a week since I got braces and I tried it on day 3 and could only do the front top/bottom before I gave teeth were screaming for me to stop!

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 4:45 am
by fins
Creedangel81- I didn't floss all my teeth at the start because of some close contact between teeth. Eventually they moved and I could get the floss in there. I did have to baby certain teeth with my electric toothbrush because they hurt at the start. Just floss where you can until you feel better. The waterpik is really great, I can't imagine not using one. Rinsing doesn't come close to getting the food out of my braces - I'm very dependent on my waterpik. Good luck.