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Getting braces in a month or so/questions/pics

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:20 pm
by Joanna20
Hi guys!
I have a couple of questions for you all.
I had braces age 12 to 14 and my last ortho left my teeth like this:

She was a complete idiot.
So I am having difficulties in trusting an Orthod. again. The reason why I'm doing it now is because I see so many beautyfull smiles out there(people who have had braces) that I feel like I just had bad luck.

Question number one: Has anyone here had the frontal upper teeth sticking out? And if so have they moved to the a completely normal position?

Question number two: for the ladies Do you girls choose male or female orthods? I often here I'm quite pretty and I don't want to deal with female jealousy, I want a good professional! 'cause you know how it is... Some woman are jealous.

Question number three: Have any of you noticed some changes on your face (even your mouth is closed) around the benith the lip area? When I had braces I got like 2 bumps from the brackets. Noticiable when my mouth was closed that is.

Question number four: Ceramics/metal - Any comments? They have quite big price differences over here. Like 275 euros.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:44 pm
by ingyandbert
I can't help you with all your questions, but I'll just say as pretty as you may be I'm sure you're not the only one. More than likely, there are others even prettier. I think you're worrying over nothing.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:00 pm
by weird_wired
I think a lot of orthodontists would be very offended by your second question, it is a real affront to their professionalism to suggest they might give you inferior treatment through "jealousy".

For this reason, I think you should choose a male orthodontist, because you clearly have very strange issues and are probably going to find it hard to fully trust a female practitioner.

Bear in mind - no matter how pretty you think you are, your teeth probably aren't that perfect or you wouldn't be getting orthodontic treatment. So there's one less thing for a female orthodontist to be "jealous" about.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:34 pm
by missing_tooth
Question number two: for the ladies Do you girls choose male or female orthods? I often here I'm quite pretty and I don't want to deal with female jealousy, I want a good professional! 'cause you know how it is... Some woman are jealous.
I'm not a lady but I would say I find this question a bit odd. I can't imagine any ortho dealing with on the job jealousy. Who would want the work of their practice to look inferiour?

Just do what I did, visit 2 or 3 orthos until you find one your comfortable with, and go with that person. If you know people with great teeth, ask who they had for an ortho.
Question number three: Have any of you noticed some changes on your face (even your mouth is closed) around the benith the lip area? When I had braces I got like 2 bumps from the brackets. Noticiable when my mouth was closed that is.
Not really, except I think my mouth looks a bit smaller. But others say it's just me.
Ceramics/metal - Any comments? They have quite big price differences over here. Like 275 euros.
We've had many discussions on that issue here. It's really a personal choice. Metal is not as bulky but is more visable. Ceramic is bulkier but less visable from a distance. I went with metal for several reason, but it's your choice.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:50 pm
by MusicIsMyLife
For Q.1 and 3, if you mean your teeth are flared out, which is what I have (top and bottom). After only 4 months, I've noticed changes to my face. My cheekbones are starting to be more defined. They weren't at all before.

My bottom arch has been worked on these last few adjustments for closing the gaps and pushing the teeth back. And again, in this short amount of time, my profile has slightly changed for the better!

I've heard of preferring male haistylists before, but never heard of that thinking being applied to female orthos, lol.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:57 pm
by Joanna20
Hey guys, seriously DON'T GET ME WRONG.
I mean I'm on perfect at all. I just often hear I'm "really pretty", but I am not gorgeus or a super model or anything! I'm not even tall.
That's not what I meant at all, and I don't think I'm better than anyone because of that! But, I mean, almost three years with braces and look at the state of my teeth!!! I mean...! My mum payed a lot of money and look at it. She was silly because she didn't really comfront the orthod. but this time I won't let it happen, the slightest mistake and he/she is going to hear it... for good!
Unfortunatly, because I'm short of money I have to go with whoever social security here has for me, it's quite hard to even get an appointment but I'll try and visit a couple of them untill I make my choice.
weird_wired - No I have no issues at all. We latinos are MUCH more jealous people than other cultures in general. But put urself in my position, I couldn't really do anything and I went through all the pain and sacrifice for (almost) nothing. I'm sure you would feel like you needed an explanation as well. And bare in mind that there's a lot of good looking people with crooked teeth. I said I was pretty - not gorgeus!
Thank you for your answers! I'll try and see (from the very little selection I have) who I feel more comfortable with and make sure there's no mistakes this time!
Take care and good luck with your treatment! ´

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:42 pm
by drazda
Did you wear your retainer? They are necessary.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:55 pm
by Joanna20
Hey KK,
I'm trying to get an appointment for next week.
I thought it would be easier to get ortho treatments anywhere else more "developed". Social sec. here usually offers you the cheapest - but like you said - that's good enough, and I think that for some people it's totally free. And it's quite commun in Portugal and the rest of Europe. I believe it's quite easy to get orthod. treatment in the UK as well (not sure though). These things should definately be at least paid 50% by the State, since it's not only estetic, it's about the your mouth's health too! This time will def. be different.

BTW Professionalism and competivety aren't really "big" over here. We're talking about Portugal :) Big difference. We are improving though :P
Brazil for example has great professionalism in Dentistry/orthod. treatment and plastic surgery. One of the best countries for this.

Take care,

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:04 pm
by luxekitty
Q2: I really wasn't concerned with the sex of my ortho. it was more important that they were a nice person with a lot of experience. :) My other is a guy.

Q4: I went with metal because I hardly smile anyway since I hate my teeth so much, so there was no point in getting clear braces if I still wasn't going to smile. I love metal so far. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:04 pm
by luxekitty
Q2: I really wasn't concerned with the sex of my ortho. It was more important that they were a nice person with a lot of experience. :) My ortho is a guy.

Q4: I went with metal because I hardly smile anyway since I hate my teeth so much, so there was no point in getting clear braces if I still wasn't going to smile. I love metal so far. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:05 pm
by luxekitty
double post

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:06 pm
by Brooke
I think things will be fine. I don't see any reason why things wont work out for you. And I think that you'll find now that you are older, you'll be able to better understand things and be able to ask the appropriate questions.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:40 pm
by Joanna20
Thanks! I'm full of hope and ready for it! Tomorow is the day to set the appointment. there's only 1 day a week and it's quite hard to get it.
Pray 4 me :P The sooner I get the braces, the sooner I'll calm down and relax!
Take care and good luck with ur treatments,

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:41 pm
by Joanna20
Thanks! I'm full of hope and ready for it! Tomorow is the day to set the appointment. there's only 1 day a week and it's quite hard to get it.
Pray 4 me :P The sooner I get the braces, the sooner I'll calm down and relax!
Take care and good luck with ur treatments,