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New braces today, with surprises!

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:59 pm
by genxsis
Just a few hours ago, I got braced. I thought this would be the end of having new things put in my mouth, but as I mentioned before about how orthos come up with last minute surprises, they had one for me. They said they will have to install a second set of molar bands in all 4 corners of my mouth. So now I have spacers in again at the same time as the new braces. This is not something they told me about in advance.

Indeed, when the lip expander was removed, I felt the sharp brackets on my top teeth first and it was quite strange.

Now that it's all done, I can't eat anything as I can't help biting my lower lip against a bracket hook on an eye tooth, so I'm back to a liquid diet again. I can't close my mouth all the way because the upper archwire is so tight against my upper lip. Brushing is going to be quite an adventure. I also noticed when looking in the mirror that all my teeth has alot of white junk all over them and it won't rub off. What is that??? :?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:18 pm
by Lin
I had white junk all over my teeth too, when I got home after getting braced today. My guess is that it's the etchant? I very lightly used a q-tip on it and it came off.

Does your mouth taste like superglue?

I hope that your second banding goes well and that this gets easier for you!

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:56 pm
by genxsis
Thanks Lin, I was wondering what that stuff was. My mouth doesn't taste like superglue, but bubblegum. They put something else on my teeth that they said would taste like that. I think they said it was flouride.

I've heard people get used to the feeling of braces in their mouth. But is it ALWAYS true? It feels pretty rotten every time I move my mouth, so I'm holding it as still as possible. I don't want to eat, smile, or talk to anyone right now. How long do you think I'll last this way? :lol:

I discovered that my lip biting is the result of one of my brackets in front catches my lip and pinches it against the tooth above. How can that be resolved? I can't remove the bracket, and I'm certainly not going to have the tooth removed! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:02 pm
by fatboy
You could try wax :lol: I got my bottom teeth braced today as well... not fun! I thought that they wouldn't bother me since I have my top ones already, I was wrong. They feel really cool but weird at the same time! The strangeness for my top ones went away after 2 weeks, but it's different for everyone else so I don't know. I hope your next appointment goes well.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:22 pm
by Lin
Genxsis, I have kind of done what you have... sat here for hours not moving my mouth/jaw/teeth at all! It is a very strange feeling to have them on, not at all what I expected.

That bracket that catches your lip sounds like a real pain!! Maybe wax would help, or else see how much you are able to get used to it over the next few days. I have had a slightly different issue.. I just realized that I can't fully bite down without my top teeth hitting a bracket on the bottom teeth. As in... I can't close my bite at all! I really hope that we get used to this or that the teeth move quickly enough to stop these issues... Maybe some non-newbies have some good advice.

I get the impression that everybody reacts differently to braces. A little girl was getting braces at the exact same time as me today, and she seemed so much more sure of herself, before and after!

I hope that you can manage to eat something today!

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:55 pm
by Shelby014
I know how you guys feel!! The first time my lips hit braces i was like "oh...." what have i done?! (i have had braces for a little over 4 months) At first i had the huge tin grin just because i hadn't learned the art of smiling with braces, but that wore off in a matter of days. The weird feeling of "strange objects in mouth" will usually goes away within 2 weeks, but mine went away in about 1 week. You might want to talk to someone like Lyn(n?) or evelyn, both of which have went through long sentences,(yay evelyn for your debanding date FINALLY)evelyn i think has had braces for 40 something months, so she could definetely help you more then i could, well hope this helped a bit!!

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:41 pm
by Kell
Lin wrote:I have had a slightly different issue.. I just realized that I can't fully bite down without my top teeth hitting a bracket on the bottom teeth. As in... I can't close my bite at all! I really hope that we get used to this or that the teeth move quickly enough to stop these issues... Maybe some non-newbies have some good advice.
Well, I'm still a newbie but I have the same issue. I can't bite down because my top teeth hit the brackets on the bottom. It hasn't gone away but it's not as bothersome any more. I can chew now and have been able to since last week. It's still annoying but I guess I'm getting used to it.

Congratulations to everyone who got braces today. It got better for me quickly I think. It was less than a week and I could forget they were there for the most part. At least until it's time to eat again. I've eaten a lot of soup but I also started eating chicken and other things pretty quickly too. I hope you guys feel better quickly as well.


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:59 pm
by Orth-ohno!
I had 8 spacers :shock: put in at the same time as my uppers. To me, those are much harder to deal with than the braces. It's now day 5 and my back teeth are still sore, but I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel! Unfortunately, this friday I have two of the metal spacers removed and replaced with the more traditional "rubber band" ones- which probably means I'll have to start all over again! (Those two teeth were too close together to the others to put in the rubber spacers.) Good luck!

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:34 am
by Michal
I'm having the same issue with my teeth hitting a bracket. And if I'm not careful I bite my cheek between two brackets. It's a little weird, but I'm working with it. Lots of really soft food right now. Pasta is good and so is chicken salad made in a food processer with no bread. Hope things get better. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:15 pm
by genxsis

I got most of that white gunk cleaned off. There is still alot of the more permanent stuff around the brackets. It looks like plaque, which makes it look like I didn't brush well enough, which is not confidence inspiring for someone just getting started with brushing around braces.