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Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:55 am
by MCC
Hello. I got my braces put on last year and they are ready to come off next month. Problem is that now I can't stop grinding my teeth. It's so bad that it wakes me up at night and makes me feel as though I just ran my fingers down a chalk board. My other issue is that I had a front bottom tooth extracted and now my bottom and upper teeth are not aligned. I have 2 upper teeth sitting on 1 lower teeth. My ortho says this is normal but I am afraid I will have problems later on in life. Has anyone been through this or have any suggestions other than wearing a night guard????? PLEASE HELP!!

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:44 am
by hollywood_smile
hey mmc, but this is the wrong place. here you can post questions, comments or bug reports about the site. is like more techincally thing.
you should post your question on the forum, or ask the doc.

Newayz...have a nice day :wink: