Weight loss with braces

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Weight loss with braces

#1 Post by stlagogo »

Hi everyone,

I believe I am the unpopular one here who is not happy about loosing weight after having gotten braces and even worse, a bite plate (doesn't allow my teeth to touch so I can only eat mashable foods or soups).

I'm already thin and actually work hard to put on pounds.
Now I'm like a waif and I hate it....especially in my face.

I only had my braces on for about three months and have 2 more years to go. I am happy with the progress of my teeth but worry about my weight loss.

For anyone who has lost a lot of weight with braces, and then had the braces taken off, did your face fill back out?
I'm hoping it does.....



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#2 Post by Flora2006 »

I'm on the same boat as you!

I am really worried about losing weight because I am already really skinny. And I still can't chew anything because of a dental crossbite...hopefully it will get aligned real soon so I can chew food


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#3 Post by missing_tooth »

Count me in for the already skinny and losing weight. Lost 7 lbs in the last 2 weeks. I really wouldn't worry about though. Your body will have amazing food cravings should you get too low if you will.

- Missing Tooth -
Last edited by missing_tooth on Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#4 Post by ingyandbert »

My suggestion is to drink a lot of milkshakes. All that ice cream ought to help add calories, plus you get the calcium for your teeth.

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#5 Post by Lyn »

I have lost 10 lbs. in 6 months. :o I am NOT trying to lose the weight. I am trying really hard to put it back on - - now that I can actually eat and chew.

I can't believe it :shock: My face has thinned out too. I wish I was overweight - then it would have been nice to have lost the weight, but I don't need to and am really fighting to put it back on.

Good luck!
16 months in BRACES!
Ceramic Braces on top 7/3/05
Metal Braces on bottom 10/25/05
OFF 11/8/06 - Now in Essix Retainers 24/7

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#6 Post by Kell »

I am worried about losing weight too. I think so far I may have lost a pound or so that I didn't need to lose in the first place. I was worried I'd lose a lot and worried about my face too. I don't think the braces help the look of a thin face either. I am able to eat now so I am holding steady and not losing any more right now. I hope the 1st adjustment isn't horrible. I am used to grazing all day but I don't feel like cleaning my teeth 6 times a day so I am eating less because of that.

Sorry I can't answer your question because I am just starting this process too.
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#7 Post by dena »

i think i've gained weight with braces. ugh. milkshakes. or looking at food--that pretty much works for me, too.

four bicuspids removed 1/3/06
clear uppers and metal lowers placed 1/5/06
timeframe for braces: 24-30 months

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#8 Post by MCC »

I can relate. I lost 15 pounds after getting braces. I had my wisdom teeth removed a week prior to getting braces and couldn't eat. Then with the braces I could barely bite down. My face still looks caved in even after gaining some weight. You will get used to it. It took me about 2 months to be able to bite down with no problems.

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Same Here

#9 Post by katmc_tx »

I don’t need to lose any weight either but in the first like 3 days I lost 4lbs. Couldn’t really eat because much except soup and stuff that would go down without much chewing. My top two front teeth are hitting my bottom brackets soooo..... But it seams to be looking up because I have already gained like back a pound or so. But I don’t really agree with the milkshake comment. Because if you think about it and drink or eat fatty stuff you are likely to gain fatty weight instead of protein weight. So be careful with that also I have found that eating a baked potato with lunch meat (turkey) and cheese is pretty good and very filling. When you mix it all together in the skin of the potato the meat practically melts in with the potato.
Got my braces off 9/20/07 after 19 months and 3 weeks. WOOOOOOHOOOOO!!

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#10 Post by Leslie022 »

I hate y'all! No, just kidding. I don't think I have lost weight in pounds but my body has thinned slightly.

I would just recommend that you make sure you're getting the nutrients your body needs. I've said it before, but <b>Carnation Instant Breakfast</b> is a great source and you can drink it with a straw! :D If you're not already, you might want to a daily multivitamen.

As long as you feel healthy and have energy, I wouldn't worry too much.
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
Removed: Oct. 26, 2006
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#11 Post by usa1 »

Im in the same boat. I was at my ideal weight before wisdom tooth surgery and braces. Ive lost 12 lbs and cant get it back. Ice cream wont do it alone. I have always loved it and no joke go through 1/2 gal every 2-3 days. The problem is it takes me so long to eat I get board/tired and everyone else is through that I just stop. I end up eating about 1/2 what I used to eat. The bad part is that I have jaw surgery coming this Oct.
Braces July 26 2005
Treatment time 24 months
Damon 3's top Damon 2's bottom

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#12 Post by MCC »

Ice cream and any liquid meal won't do the trick. I tried to live off of shakes and ice cream and I kept losing weight. Solid foods are the only things that will help. You have to wait til your teeth adjust to the braces. It really sucks!!!

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Re: Weight loss with braces

#13 Post by HeadgearJoe »

stlagogo wrote:Hi everyone,

I believe I am the unpopular one here who is not happy about loosing weight after having gotten braces and even worse, a bite plate (doesn't allow my teeth to touch so I can only eat mashable foods or soups).

I'm already thin and actually work hard to put on pounds.
Now I'm like a waif and I hate it....especially in my face.

I only had my braces on for about three months and have 2 more years to go. I am happy with the progress of my teeth but worry about my weight loss.

For anyone who has lost a lot of weight with braces, and then had the braces taken off, did your face fill back out?
I'm hoping it does.....


yep me to , i started out at 230 i'm 6'1 i'm 200 now an with all the appliances i've had i don't snack , an i don't because then it's time to brush an put new elastics in an make sure all the appliances are clean ,hgjoe
braces off 1/31/08 wearing bonded retainers with a nightsplint, will get removable hawleys 2/21/08

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#14 Post by IndyBraceFace »

I would incorporate protein shakes into your diet. Go to GNC or any health food store and they carry stuff that body builders use to gain weight. It's not fatty, like milkshakes, but has a ton of protein to help you build muscle.

Also, exercise! You might think that it will make you lose weight, but putting on that extra muscle will take away the waif-ishness that y'all are worried about.

Good luck!

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#15 Post by brandee987 »

I believe I am the unpopular one here who is not happy about loosing weight after having gotten braces and even worse, a bite plate (doesn't allow my teeth to touch so I can only eat mashable foods or soups).
I am in the same boat with you... I was already a few pounds under my ideal weight when I got braces and I have lost even more.. I notice it so much in my face. I feel like it makes my braces show up even more. No matter how bad my teeth hurt I force myself to eat something. Just try not to skip any meals and load up on protein! Good Luck... :)
Ceramic Upper braces: November 29, 2005
Metal Lowers go on: March 7th, 2006

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