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weight! no!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:13 pm
by ShortyRocK
I read by alot of people that they loose weight with braces and the profile of their face changes. I haven’t got brace yet but I am pretty skinny and I have a fast metabolism so I don’t gain weight at all anybody know what to do I am only getting top braces cause my lower teeth aren’t bad will it not be as bad like that? I usually eat 4 or 5 meals a day and don’t gain weight will I be restricted from eating a lot of food? I seen people chewing gum with braces and they say they aren’t allowed but do it anyway. I chew a lot of gum I hope I will be ok.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:19 pm
by Kell
I worried about losing weight too. Everyone is different but truthfully the braces haven't changed my eating too much. The first 2-3 days it wasn't fun to eat but I did it anyway because I am evil when I don't eat. The 2nd day I chopped up chicken really small and just swallowed it. I do eat less because I don't feel like cleaning my teeth all day long but if I wanted to eat I physically could. The only things I can't eat are hamburgers, subs, sandwich wraps and things like that. I can't bite into them yet.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:25 pm
by Evelyn
They only change your eating habits if you let them. I'm in the same boat, I can't afford to lose any weight, but the braces have been no problem, I just eat as usual-either I'm used to the pain now or there isn't much to begin with...

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:47 am
by IndyBraceFace
I would definitely start thinking about what you're going to eat once your braced before it actually happens. It was a rude awakening for me as I was digging through my kitchen cabinets the first few days trying to find something I could eat. I would plan ahead and make substitutions. For example, I ate a lot of fruit, so I got applesauce and soft canned fruits like peaches and pears that were easier to eat. Everyone is different. For me, I couldn't chew at all the first few days and I still can't chew harder foods like carrots and apples. With enough planning, you shouldn't have to sacrifice anything.

Good luck!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:48 am
by Lyn
I have lost 10 lbs. in 6 months. My first few months were awful. My teeth hurt all the time and my bite was off and I had a hard time chewing (and grinding) up food. So, it was too much work, took a lot of time and had to cut everything up.
I have found recently though that things are a lot better. I can eat just about anything and eat all day long. I hope I can regain my lost weight. I have a high metabolism too, and find it hard to "put on weight". Everyone is so different. Don't based my experience on what you might go through. It will all be worth it in the long run!


Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:32 am
by Marzipan
Sadly (in my case) I have been able to eat all along. I could stand to lose a few pounds. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:39 pm
by jcdamon3
I don't believe your profile will change as a result of weight loss, just maybe the hollowness of your cheeks. I am about thin enough. ( although can you ever be too thin or too rich?) . I don't want to lose any more weight in my face for sure. Wouldn't you know it someone just yesterday commented on how thin my face looks. Jeesh!.

The braces don't really keep me from eating whatever I want. They just make me a little more reluctant to eat between meals.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:41 pm
by naomi
KK wrote:
Marzipan wrote:Sadly (in my case) I have been able to eat all along. I could stand to lose a few pounds. :)
Pleased to read I'm not the only one in that position! :lol:

I guess that some of us are like thoroughbreeds ... and nothing going stop us enjoying our food! :banana:
I certainly don't have to worry about losing weight. I haven't changed my diet at all. I'm kind of surprised by all the people who have such a drastic change in their eating habits because of braces. There's hardly anything I can't eat.


Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:48 pm
by Joanne
I too am thin. I'm also getting ready for jaw surgery, so don't want to lose weight. I would stay away from gum (broken brackets, wires). I would also recommend Ensure if you're OK with the taste. I drink a can a day and that's 250-350 calories. Still thin but I've gained a little bit so I'm doing pretty good.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:44 pm
by Way Too Old For This
I have been trying to lose weight, and the braces have helped. I've lost 25 pounds since they went on. They just sort of help me decide not to eat. My problem was munching, and that is just too much trouble now. And I love fast food, and most fast food is hard to eat (sandwiches, etc.). So I have started eating healthier and only at meals. Easiest weight loss I've ever had. I hope to lose more in the next 2 years!