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My fear... do you share it?

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:58 am
by Brooke
I have had my braces since October of 2004. I was informed by the ortho that I am getting them off either in March or April. And I am soo nervous. I know that when you think of getting your braces off it should be exciting and all, but I am scared that my teeth will relapse and I'll be crushed. Braces are expensive and I can't afford to do this again. My ortho has been stablizing my teeth now since january. So, I am confident that my ortho is being 100% sure, but I can't help worrying that my bite will relapse, or teeth will go crooked again. I always thought that i would enjoy the end of my treatment and be super glad that these things were coming off, but i find that i am having a really hard time seperating from them. I mean while they are on, i feel like they are a security blanket, holding my teeth in a perfect place. Now that they will be coming off, thats it... my only shot to make them right. I love how they look now, if they relapse, what will i do?? Anyone else feel this way???

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:37 pm
by Evelyn
I've definately felt that way...I'm close to getting them off as well and I've definately got my worries, but I think if you wear your retainers you should be fine. It's like cold feet or something right before you get them off, all these what-if's run through your mind but just see it through, I think in the end everything will be fine and you'll find that you were worrying for nothing.

By the way, I loved your signature quote, usually the longer roads lead to the more rewarding endings That completely made my day, it's seems like it's the story of my life...

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:00 pm
by chrisd
i dont think that is an unusual feeling. i am probably not the best person to address this. after my first round with braces i never had a lower retainer and i stopped wearing that upper after two years or so. my teeth stayed reasonably straight but i did have a bit of a relapse. the moral of the stroy i guess is that retainers are agood thing , and oh yeah WEAR them :)

good luck i am sure you will do fine

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:47 pm
by KJM
Actually I can totally relate. I even feel nervous when they take the ligs off and I am sitting waiting for the ortho to come check my teeth. If she is busy or takes a few minutes I swear that my teeth are going back to their original position. I have to tell myself to relax.
I can see when my time is up that I will feel the same way.
I do know that from my sons experience, if you wear your retainer as directed they will be fine. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:55 pm
by ingyandbert
Heck no! Get 'em off me, lol! Seriously, trust your ortho. He/she will tell you what you need to do to maintain your alignment. Just wear your retainer or whatever your ortho recommends.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:45 pm
by Flora2006
As long as you wear your retainer, you will be fine. Your ortho knows what he is doing. Don't stress too much ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:27 am
by littleshaddies
How we panic eh?
I had a lig that came off the second day of wearing braces. I called and said it is emergency. I don't want to come tomorrow, I want this sorted now! Then a bracket came off not long ago, emergency!!! Must be done today as I don't want my teeth moving any other way than they should.
They are busy? I don't even want to hear, private-priority. Let the NHS kids wait. :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:13 am
by MCC
I wouldn't worry too much about it either. There are a lot of people I know who had braces and their teeth shifted because they didnt' wear the retainer. I share the same fear but as long as you wear your retainer you should be fine.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:34 am
by Brooke
By the way, I loved your signature quote, usually the longer roads lead to the more rewarding endings That completely made my day, it's seems like it's the story of my life...

Thanks... I thought that quote would be appropriate for this site. I think we all took the longer road to benefit ourselves. I remember my dentist talking about veneers because it was easier then years of braces, but i look back now and i am so glad i didnt shave down and ruin my natural teeth. I totally agree that quote can really relate to everyone. We all deal with longer roads and its true that short cuts are never worth while. Glad I could make your day. :D

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:29 pm
by mtbrncofn
I definitely share the same fear. I too, couldn't afford to do it again and I read some of these horror stories on the board about people being rebraced because of a relapse and it makes me nervous.

I intend to be very faithful for the rest of my life with the retainer, so I am hoping that will be enough for me!