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Anyone else having braces the same time as their kids?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:24 pm
by Way Too Old For This
My daughter and I are both going to the same orthodontist. She is 26. I was just wondering if anyone else is sharing this experience with their kids. We are always giving each other sympathy about sensitive teeth or sore cheeks. She started a couple of months after me, so with any luck we will be getting them off at the same time. We plan to have professional photos taken !

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:34 pm
by Brandyleigh35
My Son is 13 1/2 and I"m 41. We were both scheduled to get our braces put on Monday the 13th. I went in today to have my spacer replaced and they decided to brace me today! So.....he gets his next Monday, and I officially have mine.

Yes I think its neat that we are both having them at the same time. He thinks its cool too. Just to have someone who can relate to the whole ordeal or to share it with is nice. We are having a contest to see who gets theirs off first!


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:06 pm
by jcdamon3
Yes, I'm 46, my daughter is 13. I got mine a few weeks before her. I will be willing to be she will get hers off first.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:39 pm
by Echo
My 15 year old son had his braces for almost a year when I got mine. I probably never would have gotten braces if it wasn't for me taking him to the ortho all the time. It made me start wondering about getting braces. I have never needed braces, but I always felt my front teeth stuck out a little (they didn't look like they did, but it felt like it in my mouth). I pretty much just wanted perfect teeth, so I went for a consult and he said I could benefit from full braces. Since my insurance pays half and the total was $2000, I decided to go for it. The braces don't bother me at all, but I do hate wearing the elastics I just got! Anyway, I could have gotten away with never having braces, but I think it will be nice to have perfect teeth!

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:48 am
by Dadio
I'm also braced for the same time frame as my daughter. I'm 46 and she's 11. We were both braced on 10/6/05 and have an estimated 20 months in braces. She got her bottom braces last month, I get mine next week on the 14th. I've needed work on my bite for years and she needed to go, so that's how we ended up doing this together.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:50 am
by Dadio
Drats, shouldn't post until I'm at the proper caffeine level! I'm actually still 45, I've got until late March until I'm 46.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:21 pm
by mtb_nwbraces
My youngest son and I have done this all the way together. He is 18 and I’m 42. He should be getting his off in March or April :lol: I hope to get mine off someday? :cry:

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:03 pm
by i814u2c
My 11 yr old son was told today that maybe in June he will get his. Just waiting for his canines to drop down. My 12 yr old daughter is still waiting for her last 4 baby teeth to come out. Soon all 3 of us will be braced.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:13 pm
by Way Too Old For This
Looks there are a few of us doing this with our kids. When I went to visit some relatives in Oklahoma last October I only had my braces for a few weeks, and when I arrived two of my cousin's kids greeted me with their new braces. I was feeling like mine were such a big deal, but they were kind of inspiring how they took them for granted.

Now if I could just get my twin brother to do it with me !

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:09 pm
by brat 2
My 12 year old daughter and I, 36 years old, are doing it together too. She got her braces put on 4 months before me, but she has to wear hers for 2 1/2 years and I only will wear mine for 2 years. So they will come off months within each other. We are also getting our bottom brackets put together on the 23rd.

We are going to have a feast of pizza the night before since it will be a while before we will be able to eat it again.

Its nice having someone to share the experience with and I can't think of anyone better to share it with than my daughter :D .