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Got my Exthpander in Thoday!

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:19 pm
by Silverware
Well, I can't say it's very exciting. I've suddenly got this foreign object that I am constantly aware of and that severly affects my speech. I thought just braces were bad, but this thing makes me sound like Donald Duck!

Do you guys have any tips for cleaning this darn thing? I ate Italian Wedding soup this evening and the spinach was a nightmare. I'm pretty sure there is still quite a bit floating around in there somewhere. It's like having a small blackhole in the roof of my mouth where food can go in... but doesn't come out!

Also, I just got my molar bands in today as well. Is it normal for one of the bands to be not entirely flush with the top of my tooth? It's got a ridge-like protrusion all along the top, as if it doesnt quite fit properly. The ortho spent quite a lot of time on that band, so I'm sure it's on there as good as its gonna get. The problem is, my tongue is taking a beating. It's like there is a razor at the back of my mouth slicing my tongue up everytime I move it.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:09 pm
by ssfw
Hi Silverware,

I got a quad-helix expander placed 2 weeks ago. Not sure of the type of expander you have but I'm sure your problems are similar to mine. To get food caught in the expander out, try rinsing with some water first - this seems to get alot of the food dislodged. The next thing you can use is an interdental brush (made by Oral B) - hopefully your orthodontist gave you some - they are the greatest, I carry one with me in case I have problems at work. It's a mini 'scrub brush' that you can use in between the expander and between your teeth. If your orthodontist does not have samples available, try looking for it a your drugstore. Another thing that I found helpful was to use a toothpick for certain food items lodged in your teeth/expander.

Regarding your sore tongue - this didn't happen until I had the expander for a few days. It was one coil on the expander that was rubbing on my tongue when I talked. The constant rubbing made it sore and a bit 'cut-up.' The salt water rinses helped alot. I also found that initially when your tongue is very sore, take a Q-tip dipped in hydrogen peroxide and swab it on the sore area of the tongue. How often? 3-4 times a day when you're very sore. Decrease it as it gets better. KK indicated you should use the salt water rinse at least once/day throughout orthodontic treatment. Also, place some wax on the area of the expander causing you the pain - this helped me alot. I haven't had to use any wax for 2 days and hope that continues.

Your speech will get better. Mine is still slightly affected but my worse days was when my tongue was sore and I had not used the saltwater rinse/hydrogen peroxide remedies.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:51 pm
by pinkdiamond
Hi Silverware
Great name !!!!
I have an expander also . I've had it for 6 days . Its sucks big time :x I know how you feel , I can't talk either . One thing I think has saved me is MACKS EARPLUGS I think they might be the same as silicone wax but I'm not sure . My ortho gave it to me. So at night I take one of the earplugs and put it on the roof of my mouth so I can sleep and my tongue can get a rest . Wax tends to crumble and you will feel that it will choke you while your sleeping and the earplugs will stay together.
Hope this will help!!!
P.S. How long will you have to were your expander

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:01 am
by ren
Hi! I found a waterpik helped me out alot with getting food that's lodged up there out. Also, on the go-I use the proxy brushes-I still use those everyday! As far as the pain-salt water and listerine really helps me out. Get the stuff that really makes your eyes water (mint!)-when I use that a few days that really helps with the soreness.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:13 pm
by Silverware
Thanks for the replies folks. Today the pain is pretty much gone. I really didn't want to use wax for the areas it hurt my tongue because I wanted to get used to the feeling and build some scar tissue. It seems that I've gotten used to the roughness of it all now. I've gotta wear this thing for 3-4 months, according to my ortho.

I'm not sure what the one I have is called, I forgot to ask. It looks like this:


The horrible thing is, I had to do a presentation today in class. I wasn't too thrilled with having to speak in front of a lot of people and not being able to talk. I chugged through it, even with the strange looks I got as I slurred and struggled over almost every word. The assistant at my ortho's office told me that I will be totally used to the expander while talking within 3-4 days. That sounds unrealistic to me, what are your guy's experiences?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:43 pm
by ren
Silverware-that's the same exact palate expander I have in my mouth! freaky! Mine looks a little different as it's already done it's expansion job. ttyl, renee


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:59 pm
by summergirl
Hey don't feel bad guys you are not alone.I too have an expander it STINKS big time .It is called a palatal expander same one I have talking is a night mare Ihave had mine in for a few months and still hate to talk with it.I feel so stupid when I talk.Does it get better not realy sorry to say.Only good thing is we are in the same expander club.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:07 pm
by Will
hey silverware, do you have top and bottom expanders?

also, do you have an overbite? right now i have top and bottom expanders and i have an overbite...

did your ortho say that the expander will help correct the overbite?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:21 pm
by ssfw
Today the pain is pretty much gone. I really didn't want to use wax for the areas it hurt my tongue because I wanted to get used to the feeling and build some scar tissue. It seems that I've gotten used to the roughness of it all now.
Hi Silverware,

I tried not using the wax for the same reason as you, then I found it wasn't working. My tongue remained sore and because of the sore tongue it made it difficult to talk. From my experience, I found I needed for my tongue to heal completely which meant using the warm salt water rinses a few times/day (thanks to KK's suggestion) and using the wax. When my tongue finally healed, it has made adjusting to the expander alot easier. I do find using a bit of wax in the area that caused me problems initially during the day (when I'm at work) seems to help - probably because I talk more when I'm at work.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:25 pm
by airxjordan24
i got my top expander put in today. how the bleep do you guys eat with this thing on? Food always get stuck between the expander and the roof of my mouth. I have to chug down a glass of water to wash it down :(

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 6:08 pm
by ren
how the bleep do you guys eat with this thing on? Food always get stuck between the expander and the roof of my mouth.
you'll get used to it-it takes time though. A waterpic will definitely help you out w/that. I kinda stay away from certain foods too or know that I'll be annoyed if I do eat them. Lettuce tomatoes strawberries-pretty much any fruit/veggie gets stuck up/around there. You'll be able to whip food out of that thing in no time-I'm a pro 1 1/2 yrs & counting.

good luck,

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:22 am
by airxjordan24
yeah a waterpic definately helps.
How long did it take for your speech to return back to normal? I'm going on day 3 with my expander and my speech has only slighty improved, but it seems like it isnt getting any better than this :(

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:11 am
by TheUnk311
wow that looks/sounds like a nightmare.. I hope I don't need one ><