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Do you turn your own expander?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:22 pm
by Silverware
I got my expander put in yesterday, and I had to bring my roommate in today so they could show him how to "turn the key." I asked if I couldn't just do it myself each time and they said that I could not.

Anyway, it looked simple enough. You stick the little metal pole into the hole and twist it back toward your throat until you see a new hole. I tried it tonight by myself while my roommate looked on and he said that I basically did it exactly like the ortho had demonstrated. So, what's the big deal? Why aren't we supposed to do it ourselves?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:17 pm
by mackenzie
I don't know why but I know we let my little brother (13) do it himself and we didn't tell the ortho. My mom and I kept messing up, he was better than we were.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:35 pm
by Will
I don't see anything wrong with turning the key yourself, i do it all the time :P

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:16 pm
by Brandyleigh35
I'm going to be getting one of these soon and my ortho asked me if I was going to be turning it, or if I wanted my husband to do it. He just told me if I wasn't going to be turning it myself to make sure my dh came along to my follow up appt so he could show him how it works.

He did say that you have the make sure you turn it just right and line up the hole for the next turn, otherwise if its not done right you won't be able to turn it.

Perhaps it is safer if someone else does it? Less chance of dropping the key maybe? I don't know??


Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:24 pm
by PaperFlowers
When I had my expander, I always turned it myself even though my surgeon told me that one of my parents has to. I think that it's way easier and convenient to do it on your own once you get the hang of it. When I first started turning it I used a flashlight and mirror, but after awhile I hardly even needed the mirror anymore.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:33 pm
by Silverware
Brandy, the key is way too big to drop it anywhere in your mouth. Picture a tool the length of a toothbrush with a little metal piece at the end that resembles a bent paperclip. I feel for you though, just as soon as you start getting used to talking with just braces, you're going to have a whole new ball-game in your mouth with an expander.

When I turned it, I made sure that a new hole was lined up, so I think I'm all good. I'm going to keep turning it myself and mention it to my ortho on the 15th when I go back. I don't really want to have my roommate do it every day because, well... he's my roommate! I know they told me that one patient came in and was boasting that he turns it himself. When they asked him to demonstrate, they witnessed him turn the key, and deftly have it turn itself back as he tried to yank the thing out of his mouth after. I was careful to make sure it didn't revert back to the last hole when I extracted the key.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:43 pm
by Brandyleigh35
Yeah that Is what I hear. Actually I have had not trouble getting used to talking with the braces. I think maybe because I was used to wearing an appliance and talking with it before they put them on. My mouth is a bit sore but other than that it is all good.

I get fitted for the appliance next Monday, and he said I could get it as many days as I want before surgery to get used to it if I want. I decided on about 2 days before. I think that should be plenty. Mostly I just want to see/feel what all I'm going to be dealing with. I will get a bit of an idea when he fits it on Monday but I think I would like to have a couple of days manevering the bloody thing before I'm all cut up from surgery. I'm so glad that I took three weeks off. I can't imagine getting this thing and trying to get the whole talking think down right away.

As for turning the key, I might do it myself, but I'm going to have my husband learn too. We are on different schedules so I worry that I would have to wake him to turn the key, and that's not cool. Anyway.....its going to suck for awhile....I've prepared myself for that. Thank goodness I work for the school district, and will only have about 2 months more of school once my surgery is over, then I will have 2.5 months off! If all goes well I will have the torture device out of my mouth before I go back to school in the fall. (Fingers crossed)

Thanks for the info I do appreciate it!


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:10 pm
by CelestialVoices
My expander doesn't require turning at all because its not a palate expander, but a Porter appliance, which according to Dr J. "AKA "W-arch" is also similar to the Quad-helix appliance. It is activated intra-orally and accomplishes dental expansion of the arch. "

so, it only moves the teeth (thank god! lol)


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:04 pm
by summergirl
I turn my palatal expander all the time by myself .Just tie a shoe lace on the end of it and tie it to your wrist ,works great .you know when you have turned it when you feel some presure on you teeth not to much though.Glad I am not alone anymore I have had mmine in for months.