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Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:07 pm
by Ice
I get my extractions tomorrow, I only get two premolars taken out but I'm still allowed to be scared! It's a perfectly healthy part of me that is going to be ripped out of my mouth :(

How did everyone here get over the feeling of having a part of you removed?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:11 pm
by dena
i was terrified but it really wasn't bad at all. just give yourself time to rest and plan on soup only. it's a pain but if you are careful yoiu shouldnt have any problems afterwards either. good luck!

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:14 pm
by Silverware
I havn't had my premolars taken out yet. We're still waiting to see how this expander works before we extract. I did have my wisdom teeth taken out, in doses! I had one really bad one on my top row that had to come out immeadiately, and then the last 3 were removed months later. Having a routine extraction of a fully emerged tooth is nothing to be too worried about. It will take a few seconds and then you will be out of the chair and on your way home! You won't feel anything, and if you take your medication after as its prescribed, the pain should be minimal. Upper teeth seem to heal much easier than lowers, so I wish you luck!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:48 pm
by Dark_angel
Am i wierd for keeping my 4 premolars that i had extracted in september? :oops:

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:05 pm
by jcdamon3
I kept my daughter's baby teeth. And my cat's baby tooth :-)

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:17 pm
by braces-boy
Just got a TPA fitted now I soon get 2 teeth out, I hope I won't be in much pain as the TPA is bad enough. :(

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:34 pm
by Raspberry
I'm getting 4 pre-molars out on Feb 16th.
I'm kinda worried about it. The pain doesn't bother me that much. it's the fact that it's irreversible. I already had my 4 wisdom teeth out + 4 premolars makes 8 in total.(you can call me mrs. Math Wizz).. that just seems like a whole lot of teeth!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:01 am
by sleater
I had 4 premolar extractions last Friday and it was a lot easier than I expected. I worked myself up so much for weeks and was terrified! I found that the spacers that I had put in on Monday bothered me more than the extractions.

I know exactly what you mean about the "feeling of having a part of you removed." I am being very sentimental about this whole experience. I have the teeth sitting in a baggy on my coffee table for now. I know it sounds weird, but I am going to keep them there until I am fully braced and the pain subsides, it's a reminder of what I've done so far and how this is all worth it.

Part of me is even going to miss my crazy crooked teeth! I am 29 and have always been that insecure girl with the crooked teeth. I'm sure straight teeth won't cure all my insecurities but I worried at first that I might change for the worse, personality wise. I feel like my insecurity humbles me in a way. Has anyone else felt like that? Or am I just crazy :crazy: !

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:36 am
by nimo
Insecurity does make you humble, but that's not always a good thing.