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Just Got Braces This Morning!!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:20 pm
by proflutist
Owwwwww! I just got my braces in this morning and it went fine until I got to school, ironically enough. I had to go to the nurses office to see if she had tylenol or something, but I had to have an authorization form to take medicine. :cry: I have two chains to close my extraction spaces, and a turbo bite. My teeth hurt really bad. My mom reccomends cold things, does anyone else have an effective remedy? :?:

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:40 pm
by Brandyleigh35
I just got mine on Monday, so I feel your pain! I have been alternating tylenol and advil every 4 hours for the last two days. I find that warm salt water rinses help to toughen up your mouth, and warm drinks like tea make mine achey teeth feel better. I have not tried anything cold....... I will say that even after only two days it does feel like it is getting better though! Don't be afraid to use the pain relievers if you need them though.....I think staying on top of the pain is better than waiting til they are really really hurting!


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:47 pm
by Flora2006
Advil's are good to take. You mom is right...cold really makes it feel better though it doesn't take the pain away. Stuff like really cold smoothies, ice cream, yogurt ...anything cold will make your feel feel better.

Congrats on getting braces!! Things will get better soon...the first 3 days are usually the worse.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:45 pm
by Granola
Congratulations on getting braced!

I also had mine put on this morning (only the uppers today).

I took ibuprofen before my appointment, and after as well. In my opinion ibuprofen, being an anti-inflammatory, is more effective for this type of tooth pain than Tylenol.

Hope the initial soreness is over very soon for you.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:55 pm
by Raspberry
I had my braces put on yesterday morning. The pain isn't that bad for me (knock on wood) But my archwire isn't connected to my molar bands until after I get my extractions, so I'm assuming it will hurt more then.

Congrats all on getting braced! I'm so glad to have some people with similar B-Days!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:16 pm
by ingyandbert
I didn't feel any pain at all, but my teeth did feel too sensitive for brushing for the first few days. I brushed as lightly as possible and then used a lot of mouthwash. The warm salt water really helps a lot more than you think. Load up on wax as much as you need to; your mouth will toughen up and you gradually won't need it as much. Get this stuff called Glyoxide for mouth sores -- it heals them practically overnight. Good luck!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:56 pm
by oklanole
I also joined the braces crowed this morning. Metal on top and bottom with spacers. I also had the joy of having them put on on the same day that I had 4 bicuspids removed. YAHOO!!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:11 pm
by missing_tooth

- Missing Tooth -

Friday is B-Day!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:55 pm
by Dagovernor
I am getting braced on Friday!!! After reading the posts concerning the pain, it looks as though my weekend is screwed!!! Question-on the tops, do you guys recommend metal or ceramic???

Re: Friday is B-Day!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:04 pm
by Flora2006
Dagovernor wrote:I am getting braced on Friday!!! After reading the posts concerning the pain, it looks as though my weekend is screwed!!! Question-on the tops, do you guys recommend metal or ceramic???
This really is up to you...both have their share of pros/cons...if anything, talk to your ortho...but that really is your own choice.

good luck on getting the braces soon :)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:48 am
by missing_tooth
I am getting braced on Friday!!! After reading the posts concerning the pain, it looks as though my weekend is screwed!!! Question-on the tops, do you guys recommend metal or ceramic???
Well, I wouldn't put it like that. When I got braced it only hurt for about a day. It was intolerable pain either. It would come and go, and as always, your milage may vary.

Metal or ceramic, unless your ortho tell you otherwise it's really personal choice. I choose metal due to the smaller size, and I didn't want to worry about staining ligs. But it's not like I'm looking to hide my braces either.

- missing tooth -

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:57 am
by oklanole
I must say that if I did not have the 4 extractions, my mouth would feel a lot better. Two of the teeth I had removed were easy, but the other two broke off and the roots were odd. Needless to say, those two teeth had to be surgically removed. Therefore, I do not think that I will leave the bed for the next three or four days.
That was not to scare anyone, just my experience so far. I cannot tell that I would have much pain from the braces my mouth mostly hurts near the extractions.