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feeling terrible

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:21 pm
by kana
Hi everyone, I'm new here. This is a great forum with lotsa nice people around where everyone share their experiences. I'm glad I found this place and know that many people are going through the same thing.
I had my lowers done today, my upper went on around 3 months ago. So you can say I have only just started this treatment.

It's something I wanted to do for a long time ever since I was very young, but due to lack of money and certain worries, I only manage to get it done now when I'm already past 20. I have had enough with the pain and embarassment I have gone through all these years.

Today, not only have I gotten my lowers done, my ortho placed spacers and a spring. The pain is...bearable, but I cannot imagine having to do with the spacers there for another month before I go for my next appointment. I just hate spacers. My teeth and gums suffer from the adjustment and extra stuff added in I feel as though my mouth is paralysed but it still hurts.

I'm currently jobless, and everytime I manage to gather the courage to look for a job, I get all down whenever I look at the state of my teeth. I know I'm such a useless girl, on one hand I never ever regret going for this treatment, but on the other hand I act like such a wuss when it comes to facing people and talking. Because of this, I have been shutting myself up at home, only stepping out of the house when I really need to.

Perhaps I'm the only one who get THIS down and worthless, but I'm really trying very hard to remain optimistic even without any support from my family or friends.

So many times I wonder why is it that we have to go through all this, people with straight teeth don't have to spend the money, time and effort, neither do they have to bear with all the negative emotions that swell up because of crooked teeth. I find it so unfair. I have some other problems as well, all these crap is making me suicidal. I wonder will I ever live till the day I can smile and look into the mirror to see my teeth all straight and nice.

I hope that everyone will stop judging others by their looks and make fun of them, I know people are superficial, but words can kill isn't it?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:43 pm
by Joanna20
Hi there! I've seen that u r feeling quite bad today :(
At least you know that there's a solution for you. I am left with what docs. here have thought "could" work for me. I have terible teeth as well and it's horrible because I've always heard I'm a pretty girl but...(the teeth)...
You are in a much better position than I am. You know that in a year or two you're going to have the smile you've always wanted. I don't :roll:
I am too, feeling hopeless but I would be feeling great if I were you. At least you have the braces on; Lots of people can't even afford them.
I hope you feel better soon,

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:36 am
by Silverware
Kana, hang in there! It sounds like your dental problems are a major contributor to your emotional state. You've already taken the most important step to fixing it: getting braced! From here on out, it's only going to get better. Every day your teeth will be moving and looking better and better. You may not notice it at first, but it will happen and you will feel great in the end. Just keep telling yourself that!

As for the spacers, the pain will not be so bad after you get used to the spacers--trust me! Eventually you will forget they are even there. Believe it or not, there is some good news about having spacers in your teeth: you don't have to floss there! :jump:

In any event, keep us updated on your progress and how you are doing! We're here if you have any questions, or if you need to just rant! :thumbsup:

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:42 am
by MCC
Although you may not have the support of family or close friends, you have the support of this website where you can vent our your frustrations and hear from those who can relate to what you're going through. A lot of us on this board can relate your insecurities. I have always been EXTREMELY insecure about my smile and have wanted braces since I was a teenager. I realized that unless I get them on now, I will always have this insecurity. You have made a HUGE step in achieving a beautiful smile and confidence. All of this is temporary. And remeber that no one is perfect and that we are our biggest critic. Hang in there, I promise it will all work out to your advanatage. I hope you are not really having suicidal thoughts. Again, all of this is for the moment. I hope there is at least one person in your life you can talk to.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:24 am
by sleater
Hey Kana!

I am also in the beginning stages of getting braces...I actually get fully braced tomorrow. I know the spacers are horrible but believe me they do get better. I got the spacers on Monday and never thought the pain would go away. I was told I'd be tender for a day or so..but that was an understatement. I finally started feeling relief yesterday evening and I really didn't believe it was ever going to get better, today I feel fine. I am Manic Depressive and I know how hard it can be to go through a big change like's really f&#*ing hard! If you keep feeling suicidal please promise that you will call your local suicide hotline and talk to someone. It will get better you just have to stick it out. If you have no one close to talk to about this braces then this is a good place to come. And yes people can be jerks when it comes to physical appearance but there are also some really amazing people out there that don't care about that crap. I know it's hard to ignore the jerks in life but what get's me through it is if they have nothing better to do then pick on people that have so called inperfections then there life can't be all that great and they thesmselves are probably pretty darn miserable! Good Luck!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:36 am
by CelestialVoices
Hi Kana, I hope you feel better soon and like everyone else WILL get used to the spacers :) good luck with everything!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:31 am
by jcdamon3
Hi Kana,

I had sort of straight teeth when I started this so I don't know how you feel about that but I can certainly attest to feeling horrible about other things about myself. If it isn't one darn thing it is another. Just name it. So it may not be as unfair as you think. There is another post going on this board where people have talked about how bad they feel and the horrible things people say. Life can be cruel, but you don't have to feel bad. I know that for me, age has really made me mellow out about how I feel about myself and I don't care that much about what other people think anymore. I have done alot of things over the years to help myself get over my terrible shyness. The latest thing I have done is join Toastmasters where you have to get up and speak in front of people. I was mortified at first but I just keep plugging away and it is getting easier and easier. And I am doing this with a mouthful of metal!

Please take Lucyeloop's advice and see a doctor. I really think you should if you can. You don't have to feel horrible.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:37 am
by Gel
Don't stress. Life happens and we all move on. I'm trying to find a job, but nobody will work with my school schedule. we have been eating a lot of Raman noodles latley, that's just life.
The braces get better, you see improvements and eventually you're like, so what, I have metal in my mouth, I'm still human and nobody can tell me otherwise. Be proud of who you are, stand up to those silly people woh can't get past looks. That just means their shallow. If people can't see your inner beauty, then their not worth knowing.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:33 pm
by kana
Hi, thank you all so much. I feel better just reading all your replies.
And thanks for suggesting me to find someone to talk with. I know it ain't healthy, but I have been depressed for years and years, have attempted suicide 3 times, of course not really because of my teeth alone. To be frank, I hate it. I wanted to be happier, live a happier life, and I know it won't happen if I just end it. Many times, my actions and thoughts are so contradicating.

I kept being jolted up from sleep last night due to the pain and soreness, but this morning when I got out of bed, I feel relieved that I have pass through the miserable night, and I'm still alive.

I was reading the celebrity braces thread and seriously I'm very surprised that so many actually have had braces before. If they can, I can too. I ain't giving up so soon.

I just want to say one more thing, that is, this board is really great, I hope everyone here will have the smile they desire soon! :)

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:27 pm
by Lin
Hi kana :) I just want to say that I hope you feel better and that the pain subsides soon for you.

I actually think that you are very brave to choose to get braces after wanting to for so long. You are fighting the pain, but in my eyes it makes you a warrior because you are actually fighting for your own happiness. I can't tell you how much I respect that.

It's true, not everybody has to go through this. While it doesn't seem fair (so little in life does), I think everybody gets a very unique set of burdens in their life. If it weren't this & your depression, it might be something else.

Thank you for sharing how you feel with us. It helps people like me remember that while other people can make it look so easy, we actually need to fight to claim our own happiness (whether by getting braces or otherwise). And hey, you're right, if celebrities can do it, you can definitely do it!! :thumbsup: And you always have people here to talk to.

Good luck, kana, and please let us know how it goes.