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Do I have a dry socket

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:42 am
by oklanole
Okay, I had four extractions and braces put on 02-08-06. All of the extractions spot feel fine except one. I am still having to take Loratabs every four hours for it not to hurt. The thing that bothers me is that I cannot tell if the pain is coming from that particular area (where the tooth was removed) or my mouth is just sore in that area. The extraction of that tooth was kind of difficult, but not as bad as another that I had. I can see a smaal black area near the bottom of the extraction area. Although, it is not as big as the black area on the other extraction spot. Am I being paranoid or should I really be concerned?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 7:51 am
by Dark_angel
If you think you have dry socket id advise getting it checked out. Try packing the area with a tea bag (wet first and not hot). Better to get checked than get an infection.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:02 pm
by dena
I have been healed for about a month and I was super-paranoid after my extractions.

First, yes--if you are scared you should call your dentist no matter what because no one else is going to be able to reassure you but him/her.

From what I understand (I've had 8 teeth removed and luckily no dry sockets, so I don't know from experience) dry sockets HURT. I've heard it's a pain more excrutiating than child birth. It doesn't sound like you're in that kind of pain, so that's good. (Dry sockets actually come from the clot being dislodged, which would expose all of your nerves in your gum to the air, food, drink, the pain comes from literally exposed nerves.)

When I had mine out and then the braces put on, I took pain medication pretty steadily for about 10 days. I also had one tooth that was harder to pull and hurt more also healed more slowly. But there was no dry socket. Also, in terms of it looking really black inside, I don't know. to me, the sockets looked like little caves--like black holes with no end. I've heard that seeing white is worse, because it means you're looking at the bone and not a clot.

If your face is swollen, red, and warm--that's infection. You definitely need to go back to the dentist for that.

If you are not in excrutiating pain, you might be able to wait until Monday to call the doc. If you are in excrutiating pain, I think packing it with a tea bag may be your best bet. If you are afraid you have an infection, I'd suggest going to the emergency room--infection can be extremely serious. Dry sockets, fortunately, are not life-threatening, but only feel that way.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:07 pm
by krennen
If you are having pain in only one area and it is about three days after extraction go have it checked out! I have had 2 dry sockets--one many years ago after 4 wisdom teeth removed. The first time I didn't know what was wrong. I finally called the oral surgeon and it was determined that I had a dry socket. After the packing with clove oil it felt sooo much better. This time(4 bicuspids removed) after about the third day I called right away. I pretty much told the oral surgeon I had a dry socket. Since it was New Years Eve he just gave my a pain script. I got no real relief until I was able to see him and get it packed with clove oil. It was packed a couple of times and after a few days the pain went away. After having three kids I wouldn't say the pain is as bad as childbirth, but it is not pleasant either!! It will never hurt to have it checked out.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:28 pm
by j.swanson
what is dry socket?? :?:

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:56 am
by strugglebuggy
You'll know if you have dry socket. I had dry socket when I got my wisdom teeth out and it was the worst pain I have ever felt. I had a sharp pain in my jaw that radiated into my ear. I had to go to the oral surgeon who "packed" the socket with gauze dipped in clove oil. (I told him it smelled like a ham I felt immediate relief when he did this and cringed when he told me he had to take the packing out in a couple of days for the socket to heal. It did get better in about a week and I never looked back. :D

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:38 am
by oklanole
Good news, i do not have a dry socket :lol: . I went to the dentist this morning and he said everything is fine. The one tooth that was hard to get out was just healing a little slower than the others. I have to admit that the pain is nowhere near as much now as it was when I originally posted this topic. Thanks for all the information

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:42 am
by mm92280
In my personal opinion, this is why I would probably have waited until a couple of weeks after wisdom tooth removal before I would get my braces put on, though I'm sure you were excited to get the process started.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:57 pm
by oklanole
mm92280 wrote:In my personal opinion, this is why I would probably have waited until a couple of weeks after wisdom tooth removal before I would get my braces put on, though I'm sure you were excited to get the process started.
Yeah, he suggested that I waited but I did not want to go around for 2 weeks without 4 teeth in the front, or at least visible teeth in the front of my mouth. I guess it is the price I paid, although, I have to admit that I was a bit excited to get the braces on.