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Oh, just got metal spacers in 2 days ago - OUCH

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 8:06 am
by Scalawaggirl
Hi, everyone. I'm 39 (just about to turn 40) and am getting braced next Thursday, February 16! I'm excited about fixing my teeth but at the moment, I am very much put out by the pain of these metal spacers!

My teeth are tightly spaced so they couldn't use the rubber ones so I have 8 metal ones in. I've been taking Advil regularly but it's only helping a bit and I can't eat anything that requires actual CHEWING! :) So, I stocked up on the soups and such.

Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing w/this other than pain relievers? Any food suggestions or just plain positive vibes?

Ouch. :cry:

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:54 pm
by nimo
I got rubber spacers put in almost a week ago, and they still hurt. But it has gotten better, so there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been eating yogurt and oatmeal, and I've discovered the yumminess of rice pudding. :) I've eaten spaghetti, with the noodles cooked 'til they're softer than I'd normally like them, and boiled potstcikers. At this point the pain is unpleasant, but I'm so sick of limiting myself that I'm just trying to be really careful with what I do eat. I had a piece of pizza last night with small pieces of tandoori chicken, and that went all right. My teeth hurt immediately after eating it, but not long enough for me to really notice. And I had only taken one ibuprofen that morning.
I've also found it helps to do things that just plain old take your mind off the pain. Reading, walking, checking message boards :). I noticed the other day when I was having a lot of pain that when I was busy at work, the pain seemed to go away. Too bad I'm not busy at work more often. :roll:

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:06 pm
by Collective Soul
I had the metal spacers, the worst part about it was after a few days I noticed that one of the loops on the metal spacer had started working up into my gum. ouch that hurt!!!! I had pain the whole week I had them in, and I didn't each much of anything because it hurt. I had got my wisdom teeth all cut out two weeks before and they didn't even hurt as bad as the spacers

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:41 pm
by Orth-ohno!
I had 8 spacers put in a couple of weeks ago- 2 of them metal because the teeth were too tight to get in the rubber ones. The first three or four days were the worst, but I quickly got used to them. I started every morning with a 12 hour pain killer and supplemented that several times throughout the day with advil. The key is never to let off, as it is a lot harder to make the pain go away than to never let it take hold. Make sure you take some 12 hour pain killers at night before you go to sleep as well. After a few days, all should be well. Good luck!

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 10:39 am
by ssfw
Hi Scalawaggirl,

Sorry to hear about your discomfort with the metal spacers. Luckily I was able to get the rubber spacers and had very little discomfort. I just had a bit of discomfort on the 3rd day when I was chewing on the right side. Keep in mind that the spacers will be removed in a few days. Although I had no problems with mine, yes, it did feel go when they removed the spacers. I was able to be without spacers or bands for about 2 weeks and it did feel good. Try taking some Advil to give yourself some relief. Try eating some of your favorie foods - cut it into small pieces or shred the meat. I think once you take the first step in eating your favorite foods you will feel alot better. Then once you get this accomplished, take the same steps after you get your braces.

Good luck and keep us posted. I hope you have less discomfort with the braces.


Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 11:10 am
by jcdamon3
I feel your pain. I had only one metal spacer and it was MUCH more uncomfortable than the rubber one I had. I was lucky to only have two. My teeth were unusually tight, like yours, so the ortho didn't even try to put spacers in around the other teeth. The only one he tried on was the one he had to put a band on which has a crown on it.

Good luck. Hang in there! It will soon be over!

metal spacers

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:48 pm
by j.swanson
im scared there gonna put them on me when i get mine!! :cry:

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:33 pm
by jcdamon3
It doesn't seem to be a very common occurence. So I wouldn't worry.

Getting better but still ...

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:04 am
by Scalawaggirl
:lol: Today, I am eating overcooked noodles w/soup! Fortunately, the pain has subsided significantly and I'm not taking Advil anymore but I sure was for the 5 days after getting them on! Still hurts when I chew, though, so I'm keeping it simple and mushy for the most part.

2 more days before I get braced fully and an important telephone interview tomorrow! Lots going on, I tell ya!

Thanks for all of the suggestions, everyone.