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#1 Post by Buffy »

Well, I'm new here, and soon (I think) to be new to braces. I've been saying I'll get them for a while now, but I've been having so many problems with my teeth lately that I just want it over and done with.

But I'm just really nervous about how I'll look. I'm 21, in college, and in a job where my appearance matters a lot. I'm worried that its going to affect my relationship (affecting my ability to participate in certain aspects that both myself and partner enjoy) and that it will deteriorate. And really, sometimes, the idea of them makes me want to cry.

Was anybody else this nervous about getting them on? 2 or 3 years seems like such a long time to have a brace-face.

Also, could anyone give me a rough estimate of cost? I'm in Ireland, and I've seen cost ranges between 3000-5000, which seems ok-ish. I'm worried they'll cost a fortune...

I really wish I'd had it sorted when I was younger - that a dentist had told my parents to put me in braces.

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#2 Post by dena »

buffy your fears are shared! that's what is so nice about this website. it's a really tough decision but i htink you are going through the hardest part now. i'm 25 and just got braces. it's honestly been so wonderful for me so far, but that's because i've seen some huge changes already that made it alllll worth it.

in us dollars, $5000 is a reasonable i suspect that the quotes youre hearing are accurate.

four bicuspids removed 1/3/06
clear uppers and metal lowers placed 1/5/06
timeframe for braces: 24-30 months

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Location: Lisbon, Portugal

#3 Post by Joanna20 »

Hey! I was making up my mind for 5 years and now I regret it. I just wish I had gone for it be4. I to, am extremely concerned with my apperance during braces. I used to have a job where appearance mattered a lot, and I soon might be looking for a job as well. I have full lips and my botton teeth stick out, so you can imagine how much of a monster I'm going to look! But bare in mind that you'll have a great smile afterwards!
Take Care,


Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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#4 Post by snowbunny »

Hi Buffy. It's normal to feel nervous but the decision isn't that hard...once you've made it. I'm 42 and I originally had a brace when I was 21 and never completed. I've spent the past twenty years wishing I'd carried on. If I had, I'd have straight teeth now and wouldn't be going through this today my age! To think I could have had straight teeth all this time.
It sounds like you've made the decision already to get them sorted and you need reassurance that you're doing the right thing. You are!
And don't worry about your boyfriend, you'll just have to be very careful and he'll have to be patient. My boyfriend hasn't seen my braces yet as I've only had them since Friday but he's not expecting to go without..just told me to be gentle! (how do people with lingual braces manage?!!).
Hope this bluntness doesn't offend anyone by the way but I think we're all adults here.
Your time in braces will fly by. The way I look at it, if I'd had braces a year ago, I'd be done by now!
Let us know how you get on.
Upper metals on 10th Feb 2006
Estimated treatment time 9-12 months

Posts: 14
Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2006 11:11 am


#5 Post by j.swanson »

mines are gonna be on that long too! :? nd they might not be covered ... im a lil nervous

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#6 Post by Flora2006 »

I can totally relate to you. I am 22 and graduating from University next April and I go to University 7 hours from where I actually live. My ortho is in the city where I study so there was a lot of hesitation on my part as to where to get braces and things like that. The career that I am studying for is not going to happen until I get my braces off...and that bothers me because that means I will have to wait 1 year after I graduate until my braces are there is a lot of thinking to do...just remember that it is your decision and you have to think about it carefully because this is an important commitment. I think about my decision all the time especially since I will have to remain in the city where my ortho is and put my career on hold...but I figure I'll just take some more classes in College...

Good luck with your decision :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#7 Post by missing_tooth »

But I'm just really nervous about how I'll look. I'm 21, in college, and in a job where my appearance matters
I believe most all of us share your fears. I know I did. Sleepless nights, strange dreams and the like. I also had a job where appearance mattered. Now I find I'm job hunting with these braces on! But so far I have found that no one cares, professional speaking. It's almost like wearing a cast or arm sling. No one will hold it against you. ( yes there are exceptions but I have yet to encounter one. )

But I would like to assure you it really is not that bad. Some people don't notice, other don't want to mention it, others say they like them.
Also, could anyone give me a rough estimate of cost? I'm in Ireland, and I've seen cost ranges between 3000-5000, which seems ok-ish. I'm worried they'll cost a fortune...
It can cost a lot, however I believe you will find what it does for you as a person and your self image is worth it. Don't feel alone though, many many here pay for their treatment with no insurance coverage.

- Missing Tooth -

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#8 Post by Silverware »

Buffy, I am 22 years old and I just recently got braces. I was also worried about how I would look at my age with braces. To tell you the truth, it hasn't been that bad. Most people don't even notice them.
I'm worried that its going to affect my relationship (affecting my ability to participate in certain aspects that both myself and partner enjoy) and that it will deteriorate.
My braces don't affect anything my girlfriend and I do together. She says she doesn't notice them when we kiss, and I've come not to notice them myself. In the end, it affects our relationship 0% :)

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Location: Toronto, Canada

#9 Post by Stacey_Braces »

Hi Buffy,

I'm 22 (female) and I know exactly how you feel!

Trust me, it isn't HALF as bad as you think it is. I was apprehensive about it for a *REALLY REALLY REALLY* long time and went as far to AVOID going to the dentist so that he wouldn't tell me to go to an ortho!

Get the ceramic uppers and people will barely even notice :) It is worth the extra expense in my opinion.

Take it from me hun, you can get through this and if you need a friend that is going through the same thing, you can contact me anytime.

Think about how great you will feel when you have perfect teeth.
The most difficult part is getting the "Ball rolling". Once the process has started, you will be fine.


Ceramic Uppers put on : Dec 20th 2005
Impacted Canine Exposure / Baby teeth extraction / Extraction of 3 wisdom teeth Surgery: Feb 10 2006

Posts: 172
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#10 Post by Gel »

Hey buffy. I am 21. Took the plung a almost three months ago. I am in college right now and was nervous about what everyone woul think.
21, what am I doing getting into braces? That's probably a question going through you're mind. I know it did, but my smile is so much better, just after 2 months that I don't regret it at all. Everyone says how cool it is that I got braces and they all make me feel good.
If I did it all over again, I would do it all the same, no questions. I feel a lot more confident and happy with myself than ever before.
Also in U.S dollars my braces cost $3480. I really hope this helps.
Also, the things with the partner only seems better!

It is better to aim for the stars and land in a tree than to aim for a tree and land in the mud.

Posts: 31
Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:27 pm

#11 Post by mm92280 »

I'm in college and quite nervous as well. I'm worried about how it will affect my social life, but I'm basically surrounded by good people so I'm trying to keep a positive outlook. I think as I start seeing progress that I will be much more positive about having braces for a couple of years. The cost for my treatment is $4300-$4400, and that is with a slight family discount (this particular orthodontist treated my sister years ago).

Posts: 37
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Location: California

#12 Post by godawgs »

I'm 24. This is my last year of law school so I decided to start my treatment now while I have the time to get things started. I am really nervous about having braces put on in a few weeks, especially at how people at the firm will react to me (that environment is already stressful enough without having to worry about my appearance!). But 2 yrs of discomfort is worth it for a lifetime of perfect teeth.
my boyfriend laughs at me b/c i have the same worries as you about how braces will affect our intimacy.

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Location: UK

#13 Post by snowbunny »

Just to say all the fears over 'intimacy' have gone. No problems! :oops:

My friend came over yesterday and it was so funny, cos she didn't know I had got braces and I didn't know she was pregnant with her fifth child!
None of my friends that have seen my braces have been negative in any way. They generally relate to their own braces experience or start looking at their own teeth in a new light and wondering if they need something doing! Everyone I've seen has been supportive. I think if you give the impression that you're not bothered by them then other people are not bothered either.
Upper metals on 10th Feb 2006
Estimated treatment time 9-12 months

Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:00 pm

#14 Post by nimo »

I'm 25 and getting braces tomorrow. I'm definitely nervous. Honestly, I don't even know why. My husband loves me. My friends aren't going to care. Insurance covers everything. I spend most of my day at work not talking to anyone, or even facing anyone. But I'm still freaking out.
But I'm not the only or oldest person to go through with this. And it'll get better. I hope.
Braced on 17 Feb. 2006.
Five teeth extracted on March 9, 2006.
Canine exposure: February 7, 2007
lefort 3 March 7, 2008
TPA April 22, 2008
2 years 7 months in braces
braces off September 17, 2008

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Location: SC

#15 Post by Leslie022 »

Don't worry. I will be 21 in a few months and I too am in college. Most people don't seem to care. They either don't mention it or the commend me for doing it. I wish I could have had this taken care of when I was younger as well but thats all in the past. Don't worry too much. In a few years you'll be glad you did it now.
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
Removed: Oct. 26, 2006
Fixed bottom retainer
Clear Essix Retainer on top

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