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Strange Dream

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 10:31 pm
by missing_tooth
I had my first strange teeth dream last night. I think I had one before that, but it wasn't wierd and I've forgotten it.

Anyway, in my dream I felt a wire in my mouth poking me. I look in the mirror and my bottom teeth have no brackets on at all, just the archwire. The wire is all bent and twisted. I said something like, I think I ate something I shouldn't have. Next thing I know the wire is not only twisted but one end of the wire is hanging out of my mouth. I then made some comment like, I hate to call the after hours pager, but I think this qualifies.

Funny thing is, my bottom teeth haven't been bracketed yet.

them crazy dreams

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:00 pm
by ingyandbert
Lucy, I'm like you. I usually remember my dreams and sometimes they're so involved that I'm exhausted in the morning!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:31 pm
by oklanole
The night before I got braced I had a nightmare. I dreamed that the dentist pulled four teeth without anesthesia. :shock:

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:42 am
by snowbunny
I always used to regularly have a dream about my teeth falling out. I suppose it's because I'm always scrutinising my teeth in the mirror and wishing they were straight! Haven't had the dream for a while now.
I'm sure dreaming about teeth means something but sorry, can't recall what exactly.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:37 pm
by lesdents
I've totally had the dream with the teeth falling out! Just last week, actually. I was meeting Matt Leinart, our dreamy quarterback, and when I smiled to say hello, some of my top teeth were loose, sort of falling out, and only being held up because of the archwire, but totally falling out! \


Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:30 am
by snowbunny
Ha ha! Everytime my boyfriend stops the night he turns the pillow over cos he thinks my cat has been kipping on it and he doesn't like sharing the pillow with her!

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:21 pm
by Jesslzz 01
I had THE dream!

I never thought I would be dreaming one of those dental nightmares but...yes, I did!

I dreamt that all my upper brackets broke at the same time! And that I was looking at the mirror and all the brackets were hanging from the archwire and I couldn't even speak... What an awful feeling!

I don't know if reading other people's nightmares is affecting me, or maybe is because of all the time I keep looking at the mirror :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:05 pm
by Leslie022
Haha, our brain is a crazy and mysterious organ!

I've had a few dreams about my braces but I can never remember them long enough to write about them. Go figure.

Sleep and Dream well!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:52 am
by jcdamon3
Okay - here is a good one. I had this one last night. Maybe you dream interpreters can figure this one out. I dreamt that I went in for my adjustment and instead of three chairs in the middle of the room, there were at least 30 chairs all lined up around the walls and there was someone sitting in every single one of them. There was no room between the chairs they were so close together. Suddnely, I realized that I came to my appointment on Tuesday (today) instead of Wednesday (tomorrow). I said, "do you think you can take me today anyway?" They wanted to accomodate me so they let me wait until someone left a chair. The dream ended after that. I didn't get to experience my adjustment in that wacky setting.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:04 am
by Leslie022
I've had a few dreams about my braces but I can never remember them long enough to write about them. Go figure.
Go figure the day I say I never remember my dreams, I actually remember one! I dreamed that the space between my teeth was almost completely closed and then I realized that I had another huge gap on the other side of my teeth. Then I was awoken with the nice scent of coffee!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:06 am
by katmc_tx
Well the first night after getting my braces I also had a weird dream. I was eating peanuts of all things and it made my all of my top brackets come off at the sametime. It was really strange. Then my bottom braces were really bothering me (still dreaming) and I called my ortho and told her I changed my mind about having braces. I wanted to come in now and have the bottoms removed. I woke up thing hmmmm that sound like a pretty good idea because I was already thinking the samething. Strange :!: