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Expander Blues :(

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:34 am
by Silverware
I've had my expander for a week now (upper.. the one that looks like an X) and I'm really discouraged about the speech impediment it causes. I had a very slight lisp with braces, but this thing adds a huge noticeable difference to the way I talk. I really hate it.

One of the assistant's at my ortho's office told me it would go away completely in a couple days. I will admit that it has gotten a bit better, but it is faaaaar from gone. I have a presentation to do tommorow and I'm extremely nervous about how I am going to sound in front of a room full of people. I can't pronounce any words that involve using my tongue on the roof of my mouth. Mostly I am having problems with the long "E" sound (key, teeth, me, etc)

Is there good news for me? I've got this thing for the next 3-4 months (even though my premolars are spacing out quite a bit after only 1 week, and I keep fooling myself wishing my ortho will surprise me with an earlier removal). I really don't want to have to sound like this for the next 4 months. When I decided to get braces, I never once imagined I'd have to deal with a speech problem. It's something that really discourages me from the whole procedure and makes me wish I never got braces :soremouth:

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:53 am
by ren
Hi Silverware-I'm going on 1 1/2 years with an expander in my mouth-I can tell you that I still hate it! I think you're speech will get better because of the type of expander you have-which sounds a lot different than mine. I know it's hard-but try to talk as much as possible. I've actually become a human thesauras-if I think I'm coming up to a "hard to say word" then I quickly think of a different word that's easier to say! I try to keep telling myself everyday that I won't have this thing in my mouth when the braces are off and I will NEVER have to live with this again!!! I try to take it day by day-trust me I know how hard it is as I've been living with this waaaay toooo looong.

As far as good news- you won't have to wear it as long as I do- 1 1/2 years of misery & counting.....yours will be off in less than 1/2 a year!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:57 am
by ssfw
Hi Silverware,

I have had a Quad-Helix expander for 3 weeks and I had a slight speech problem also. It will get better. Mine got better after about 1 week but was almost back to normal after about 2 weeks. I still have a very slight problem but not really noticeable. In fact, now I sometimes forget I have the expander, unless I'm eating, but that still isn't a major problem.

Good luck.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:44 am
by CelestialVoices
Hi, I've had a Porter Appliance since late October (which I believe is similar to a Quad Helix) and it took me about a week to get over my speech problem too, sometimes I still slur my S's but most people don't notice. Having it is no big deal unless, like other people have mentioned, I'm eating....then food gets stuck in it. I know things will get better for you, try not let yourself get too discouraged! :)

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:24 pm
by Silverware
Thanks for the encouragment guys :)

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:25 pm
by Silverware
Lately when I've been turning the key the appliance makes a loud clicking noise. Is this strange?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:09 am
by ren
hi silverware-I don't remember my expander making a clicking noise...maybe you should call up the orth and see if that's normal. Just to ease your mind :)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:29 pm
by Silverware
When I went in for my last adjustment he tried turning the key and it didn't click. Since then, it keeps clicking when I turn it, but I see the new hole and I feel pressure as it expands.

It's weird. Maybe it's the way I'm sticking in the key? It might be slipping on something in there as I turn it...