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First adjustment!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:14 am
by krennen
I had my first adjustment today. Went well--they just changed the wire on the top. :( I thought they would change both. We did take pictures( at home) on day one and just today and after comparingthe two sets there has been a very little bit of movement! Patience is not one of my virtues!

The best part was getting the bottom wire clipped shorter. I didnt't realize how much it stuck out and poked me!! Now maybe I won't need any wax!!!
I did have questions for my Ortho and a little disappointed that talking doesn't seem to be his strong suit. :( I guess I expected a little more dialog of how my treatment will progress and what "stuff" will be used to correct my extraction holes etc in the months to come.
I think what I learn is going to come mainly from this website!! Thanks again for having this forum for all of us adults!


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:49 am
by Gel
your first adjustment sounds pretty routine. yeah for first adjustments. Happy movment in the future!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:04 am
by hannah164
I'm sorry you're disappointed with your first adjustment. :( Honestly your pretty lucky that you got your top wire changed! :) I probably waited for about 4 adjustments before getting a new top wire! :shock: I only got my ligs changed for a long time! :? I still haven't gotten a new wire for the bottom since November! :shock:

My ortho doesn't communicate well at all either! Most of the time he just checks my mouth and thinks of me more as a smile in progress not a human being! :( And if he says anything I don't understand it anyways! :roll:

Good luck with your progress!

-Hannah :frogbraces:


Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05
Last Adjustment was 2/1/06 where they bonded a bracket to my cuspid, which was impacted!!!! OUCH!

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:51 am
by jcdamon3
I haven't had a wired changed in the last two adjustments, which is about 3 months. I have my next adjustment next week and I think I will be getting maybe a new wire on top and bottom. I have had about 5 adjustments so far. Adjustment 1 - new wire on top - Adjustement two - new wire on bottom, Adjustment 3, new wire on top (I have a square wire on top now). The last two adjustments - nada- just fixing the wire tie on my lower tooth to get it to rotate so they could put a bracket on.

Great thing is... it will all work out in the end!