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something out, something in

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:26 pm
by adollface
Had an adjustment this morning. Finally had all four springs removed (they were put in back in October to close up all my little spaces). That was such a nice feeling. Downside is now I have what the ortho called "tie backs" in now. Pretty much in the same place as the springs except they go all the way back to the last bracket, where as the springs were on the second to the last bracket. Still have to keep up with elastics in triangular pattern for midline and overbite. Questions was, has anyone else had or heard of tie backs and why did you have them? He also said we are getting close so I'm hoping when I go back in 8 weeks he'll say we're done and schedule debanding!!

Damon 2's top and bottome
braced 12-16-04

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:39 am
by adollface
Yeah, I've got the feeling the tiebacks are to kind of settle the teeth in and get it all set in place. Really hoping that when I go back in 8 weeks we'll be done. When I asked back in January how much longer the ortho thought I had he said 3 months so that would put it just about right. Keeping my fingers crossed and being a very good girl about wearing my elastics!

Sorry to hear that you have such a stuborn tooth. That must be very hard to deal with. Hope things start moving soon for you.

Damon 2's top and bottom
braced 12-16-04