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Molar Bands and TPA

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:12 am
by Harpua
OK, my molar bands were fitted today and I had a mold taken for a Goshgarian TPA. When they put the bands on (yes there were certainly some peculiar noises in my head when they had me bite down) they had sharp pokies touching my tongue. These 'pokies' are where the wire TPA wire will hook on. My big question is ' when the TPA wire is hooked on, will this cover the sharp edge??? That could be hell on my tongue! Surely it won't be that sharp with the wire attatched, right?

molar bands

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:32 am
by raleighsmile

I have six molar bands. I will also have a TPA and an expander at some point, but my orthodontist has not installed either yet and said it will be put in place later in my treatment.

The backsides of the bands poking my tongue was the most uncomfortable thing for me also. The first month my tongue kept getting scrapped and poked.

Then when I went for my first adjustment, I mentioned the poking of my tongue, and the orthodontist said, "we can fix that for you" and so he did something, I think he may have bent them up and out of the way.....but all I know is that they no longer poke my tongue. He said he couldn't clip them or remove them because they would be needed later for the TPA and expander. I can still feel them there.....but they no longer poke my tongue. You may want to ask if there is anything they can do.

Before they did this, I used to put the ortho wax on them, but now...I haven't used ortho wax since.



Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:15 pm
by Harpua
While I appreciate that advice, luckily they were not left on right now. I will get them (and the full TPA attached) next week when my braces are placed. I'm just hoping when they are being used to hold the transpalatal wire, that the attached wire may releive me of the pokieness I experienced in the fitting appointment. Anybody out there with TPA's attached to their bands - how pokie are they??

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:53 pm
by Dreamer
Harpua, when they put in my tpa they removed the existing molar bands and replaced one on each side on the top with the tpa attached to the new ones. You won't feel any studs on the inside when they replace them with the new ones which I am guessing they will do on you! The tpa will take a bit of time to get used to though. I had trouble slurring my words for a few weeks with mine.


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:50 pm
by Harpua
Yeah, I had my bands fitted and a mold taken for my TPA to be made in a lab - wearing spacers right now. When I'm bracketed next week they will slip the bands back on with the TPA already attached (so I'm glad to hear that all assembled it may not be as sharp). My TPA is called a Goshgarian appliance. It is just wire with a u shape bend in the deep p art of my arch - and I have a very deep arch so I'm really hoping my tongue wont be too terribly offended by it! Can you tell I'm trying to comfort myself here? Really hoping I'll still be able to talk worth a damn.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:09 pm
by Dreamer
It may very well have a small acrylic button in the middle that will rest on the top of your arch? At least that is what this link shows (and what mine had) Check this out:

Looks like they are going to try and expand out your molars from what I read at that link. You'll do ok, try not to worry! I think the sharp parts will not be sharp because when they attach the TPA it should cover them. Let's hope anyway..I'm in agreement with you... we want comfort whenever possible! :)


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:41 pm
by Harpua
Hey thats a good link - nice to give the little monster a good look, before they make it part of my mouth.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:57 pm
by Dreamer
I always ask what's up for my next appt so that I can look it up and be prepared! It is nice to know what's upcoming! ;) Let us know how it works out for you!