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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:12 pm
by Leslie022
So far, my teeth have cost me about $1100 USD. By the time I'm finished, it will have cost me close to $5000. But it's worth it.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:18 pm
by Flora2006
My teeth are costing me a lot. The treatment itself is 5500$. This summer, when I will be travelling to see my ortho, my travel will be costing me 200$ times 4 (i see my ortho in the city where I go to University, but I will be home 7 hours away this summer). And moutwash, toothbrushes, wax, etc...would be about 50$ so far...I seem to be buying wax every week! Also, prior to getting the braces...I had to spent 2000$ in dental fees for various things...and I also have cleanings/check-ups every 4 months and that is costing me 240$.

So the grand total so far is: 8590$ AND I have no insurance whatsoever. I also have a cleaning/check up coming up so that will be another 240$.

Those teeth better be perfect when I am done.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:32 am
by joygoss
Luckily my insurance covers 80%, but my total was still $2100.00. My ortho offers a 5% discount if you pay by cash or check at the beginning of treatment, so that helped quite a bit. Still, paying $2100.00 out of pocket in one lump sum hurt and I'm skimping on things for a while. But, hey, that's okay. Who really needs a new pair of shoes every week anyway, right?! :oops: My husband says it's nice to see our money going to something other than my feet! Bottom line is that it's worth it. We're all going to be gorgeous, dahling! :D

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:46 am
by mia_cro
I told myself that I'm making an investment in my future health.
It makes it a lot easier to give out 2000$...
I'm guessing I'll save on fillings in the future,avoid periodontal surgeries,and above all have a killer smile... :P
I have no coverage,since in my county it's covered untill you're 18y.
Damn...why didn't I do this before?Wait,I dont think we had this back at the time I was a minor....

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:30 am
by WiredNana
When all is said and done.....$10,000.....yeah, I know,... what was I thinking!!!
This all includes Ortho, extractions, crown removal and temporary replacement, gum-grafting for 4 teeth! :shock: a little bonding on the uppers and regular dentist visits. I'm not including travel time,(don't live far).

Having already put braces on my 4 kids, and had planned on doing this when the last one was done...I saved alittle to get this started....but the actual cost when I saw it on paper really floored me!.....

But....I know I'm doing the right thing......... :? right?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:54 am
by tandi
so far i think i have you all beat: braces are $5500. sonicare toothbrush heads about $120 a year if i change them every 2 months for 3 years= $360. wax, toothpaste and floride treatment about $8.20 a month for 36 months=$295.00
I will also need 2 veneers for about $1800 and to top things off I also need 2 implants at about $2500 a piece.
my grand total is $12,995 over the next 3 years.
and if you're wondering if i can afford this. the answer is no. i often have good ideas but i'm not so good with planning :oops:

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:58 am
by jcdamon3
I have not had to pay much more above what my ortho costs are, ~$4,600.00. I have bought a few other small items like a waterpik and a dentakit (great product). I am seriously considering a sonicare but haven't taken the plunge yet. These are noise level.

I would be willing to pay much more if that is what I needed to do though.

You only get one set of these pearly whites in a lifetime. You have to take care of them!

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:04 am
by lilpikachu
Let's see...

$2190 - to get my wisdom teeth out
$3700 - for my braces
$80 - filling
$80 - teeth clean
$85 - filling
$150ish - on toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, dental wax so far...

(and I've only had braces for 4 months!)

I've got to pay for all this stuff by myself (lucky I work!) and I'll definitely be forking out more money over time considering how screwed up my gums are!

When these braces are off, it's either gum surgery or veneers, and professional teeth whitening which is about $600?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:19 am
by OneTime
My teeth are making me poor. It all started with a dentist visit. Then next thing I know I was paying 2600 for xrays, deep cleaning, cleaning, probing, and gum graphing. Longest 6 months ever in this treatment.
Six months later I requested for braces. Had xrays, photos and mold done. Then braces and treatment came out to 3050 for 24 months.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:24 am
by JumpTheDitch
:oops: I'm bad with money, I prefer not to know. :oops:

It just doesn't seem so bad that way. Yeah, I know, I have to grow up sometime. I'll get around to it one day. :roll:

Hey Linda21, thanks for the brief on Medicare, I was wondering how the ortho bit worked come tax time. :thumbsup:

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:52 am
by flowertowngal
Initial ortho consult and x-rays - $200
Surgical consult - $100
Dental consult - $100
Periodontist consult - $100
Fillings needed before braces - $600
Root canal needed before braces - $500
Gum grafts needed before braces - $2,300
2nd ortho consult after getting fed up with 1st ortho - $100
Actual braces - $5,000
Dental appts. since braces, required by ortho - $400
Braun electric toothbrush - $120
Misc. braces maintenance "stuff" - $100

Grand total - $9,620

Straight teeth - Priceless.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:17 am
by Cultureicons
Whoa that's crazy the amount some of you have spent on braces.
I can get mine free in the NHS, and I'm still not sure whether I want to get them or not! Even though I dislike my teeth.

Good luck everyone on the remainder of your braces journey! :)


Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:32 am
by flowertowngal
I forgot to say in my pevious post that I have no dental insurance whatsoever. The whole amount ($9,620) comes straight out of my pocket - well, the bank's pocket, to be more precise, when they gave me a loan. Sigh...

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:16 am
by cookie
My braces themselves are costing me £2400.

Plus the cost of extracting 2 teeth (only about £20 as was done on NHS)

In addition I'm going through toothbrushes like nobody's business, plus extra toothbrushes for my handbag, and extra toothpaste too. Not sure how much that's costing me though.

In addition, I'm planning on spending about £350 on whitening once the braces come off (something I wouldn't have spent before on my crooked teeth!), plus a Sonicare toothbrush as a treat on debanding day (another I guess £75?)

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:01 am
by Super Soo
Mine's been:

£64 x 3 - for 3 extractions
£15 - check up at dentist
£30 - xrays at dentist

£100 - initial consultation inc. xrays
£2000 - metal braces top and bottom

£50 - various dental products

Total - £2387

Plus at the end of this I plan to get them whitened which i think is around £600

It'll all be worth it tho!