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Help! I hate the way the braces are changing my profile!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 5:55 pm
by aznfayeth
Ugh, I would never have gotten braces if I knew that it would change my profile like this. I look like I have a beak! I really hate how my upper and lower teeth flares out at a 45 degree angle. I was so happy when I got elastics 6 weeks ago because I thought it would fix the flaring but it just made my lower teeth flare out more!

I really want to change ortho. My ortho never say anything to me. There's 4 chairs in the room so he just look at your teeth for 1 min and then let the assistant do all the work. I feel like they're just churning us out on an assembly line! They're so rude, they lower your chair without even warning you...I feel so cheated into paying $4200 cash for such low quality service.

Do you think extractions is the only solution to my protruding mouth/jaw problem? If I do get extractions, I know I wouldnt make my original debanding date this december. My appointment is in 3 weeks...and I'm definitely not leaving until I get some answers this time!

Before braces, see no duck bill...

notice the beak, I have to actually move my chin up to be able to close my mouth

clearer view of "the beak" my mouth protrudes like crazy!

front lower teeth flaring out

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:13 pm
by brandee987
Honestly I think you look fine! I admit I think sometimes i feel beak-ish too and I just have uppers. But I really think it is our lip feeling 'stuck out' but to a bystander they dont notice... I have to really work to close my mouth also. But it will be all work it when my teeth are straight & the braces are history!

Try to ask your ortho some questions. I hope you can get some answers! Good luck!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:45 pm
by jcdamon3
I think you look lovely in both pictures! Your lips look fuller in the after pictures. I agree with brandee987 that I feel a little beakish sometimes especially on the uppers. I think my lowers need to catch up a little. I am after fuller lips myself so I don't mind the flaring. Bring it on! Your arch in the picture does not look particularly flared.

I know it is hard for us to get used to looking any different. I would talk to your ortho though.

Also, you may want to try to find a before picture that is really of your profile. Your ortho should have taken one at the beginning of the treatment.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:34 pm
by missing_tooth
I have a term for this. I call it, over-analyising. (sp?) I think your looking too hard. I know I've done it, most of us probably have. I really don't see anything in your photos that looks off if you will.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:54 pm
by dena
once the braces are out of your mouth, this should all go away...the braces just make the protrusion that much more noticeable (though I agree that you look nice.) My teeth and lips stuck out to begin with, more than yours do now, and that's why i had extractions. Seriously though, once the braces are off, I'll bet the probelm will be gone.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 8:08 pm
by Leslie022
You look great! It's just going to take some time to get used to the new you! Don't worry!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 9:30 pm
by wearetheborg
I've looked hard and I cannot see ANY protusion, much less "protusion like a beak". Really, belive me, its not noticeable to others.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:05 pm
by Lin
Woman to woman -- I think you look beautiful! I don't see anything wrong with your face or profile in your photos. If anything, I agree that your lips look fuller. But I actually think it accentuates your beautiful face. Just my two cents!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:30 pm
by Flora2006
I have to agree with everyone else; your mouth looks absolutely fine. I bet once the braces are off you will see that there is nothing wrong.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:30 am
by ingyandbert
Looking at your photos, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I think you're building something up in your mind that really isn't there.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:24 am
by aznfayeth
I cant find a prebraces profile pic but people have commented on my mouth sticking out. Even my mom says why did I make myself so ugly now. Maybe I'll ask my ortho to look at my prebraces photos my next appointment...I know he'll be pissed that I would even dare to bother him though

Thanks for all the nice comments though!

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:07 am
by ingyandbert
[quote="aznfayeth"]I cant find a prebraces profile pic but people have commented on my mouth sticking out. Even my mom says why did I make myself so ugly now. Maybe I'll ask my ortho to look at my prebraces photos my next appointment...I know he'll be pissed that I would even dare to bother him though

Frankly, your mother is being ridiculous and you sound a little obsessed with your looks. You just need to decide if you want straight teeth or not. If so, then you'll have to put up with the subtle changes in your face for awhile. There is nothing your ortho will be able to do short of taking your braces off. Try to quit focusing on your looks and move on.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:43 am
by Chris
Lucyloop wrote:
aznfayeth wrote:Even my mom says why did I make myself so ugly now.
:shock: Well, that's not very nice is it?! :?

I think you are not alone though - Our Mums were obviously bottom of the list when they were handing out the tactful pills! :roll: Although, mine has never called me ugly....That's harsh AND untrue! You are certainly not ugly.

Take care

LUCY xxx
I have to agree with Lucy. Although my mom doesn't use the term "ugly" to describe me in braces, she thinks its absolutely ridiculous that a woman my age (49) would have braces. You have to have alot of self-esteem to get over what other people think...fortunately, I do.

By the way, you look fine in the photos. I don't see much difference.
I can say, since my tops have flared outward and I was used to the feeling for many years of having them inward, I FEEL like they stick out too, but everyone tells me they look beautiful and looked terrible before when they were pushed inward (although they never said that before). I think its just getting use to the new arrangement in our mouths. Give it time. After the braces are off, you'll have more room too.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:18 pm
by warning1024
I think your dislike of your profile may have more to do with your brackets than the position to which your jawline/teeth are moving. For the record, I think you look fine in your braces pics and I don't really see the "beakish" profile that you are worried about. However, I know that when I was in the end stages of my treatment I was annoyed that my lips/mouth looked "bulky" or "swollen" because my ceramic brackets were now pushing against my lips more than when I first started treatment (which made sense based on the way that my teeth had to move to get to the appropriate finishing position). Once you get your brackets off, I think that you'll be happy with the way that your profile looks (but again, I think your profile looks fine as is).

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:50 pm
by Kayla
With braces on, your lips will look fuller and tend to swell out. When I got mine off, I actually miss my Jay Lo lips (as the assistants would call them). I want some injections now...
I think that it is moving your jaw line forward somewhat and I don't know that it's correctable any other way. In order for there to be room for your teeth, you have to expand out somewhere. My jaw moved forward and I love it. There is always surgery but that's a bit drastic, at least in my case it was.