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Funny "discovery"

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:25 pm
by sydsmom
I'm laughing out loud at myself right now because I guess I don't have much of an eye for detail :roll:

I just realized for the first time ever -- and, mind you, I spend a good hour or two a day staring at my teeth! -- that my 2nd molar on the bottom (which is actually my last tooth in the arch since I have no wisdom teeth) is completely rotated 90 degrees!!! So, instead of the long edge of the tooth being against my cheek, the short edge is against my cheek, if that makes sense.

My ortho never mentioned it, though I'm sure he's aware of it. Lordy, lordy! I hate my teeth...and the genetics that made them this way :evil:

Anyone have any idea how this would ever get fixed???

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:29 pm
by mackenzie
I had one molar that was rotated about 45 degrees, was quite a shock when I noticed that too. Like Karen, my backet is on so that it's moving to where it should be, in 2 months it's nearly halfway there.

Tipped molars

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:36 pm
by fins
Has anyone ever had a tipped molar fixed? My molars tipped to varying degrees because of my appliance and the pressure.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:05 pm
by jcdamon3
tipped which way? Mine are tipped every way except rotated as explained above. The one that is flared out is definitely coming down and it is the second molar so it is amazing that it can move without anything attached on one side. I also have another molar that is tipped the other way (front to back) and I think that one is slooooowly moving too. Very curious as to how retainers will hold these in place. I have a feeling this is why my ortho says I will have an essix on top, because all these issues are on my top teeth. I don't see how a hawley could keep these from moving back.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:11 pm
by sydsmom
Thanks, KK and Mackenzie -- I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! I'm even more preoccupied with it because it sounds like my ortho should've put the bracket on in a different way so that the tooth can rotate. I don't have molar bands, and since the tooth is already rotated a full 90 degrees, he put the bracket square in the middle of the short side of the tooth -- and it's not moving anywhere.

Ah well, my first adjustment is March 1st, so I guess I'll open that can of worms (among others!) then... :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:04 pm
by fins
I have had a spring clip for rotating but I think it might depend on how much rotation you need. I needed very little.

jcdamon3- It's my second molars that are tipped and it one feels like it is pulling down so much I'm always afraid I'm going to find it hanging there one day. I always thought it was not an easy task to straighten molars but I hope I am wrong. Is your ortho going to straighten them? Mine are banded.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:56 pm
by mackenzie
You said your 2nd molar, right? Dr. J said sometimes orthos don't like to move 2nd molars because it "opens up a can of worms" to quote him.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:57 pm
by fins
I'm not too happy about it and the ortho knows I'm concerned but I think I'll be more specific when inquiring what they intend to do. They were straight when I was braced which bothers me a lot. Agh!

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:30 pm
by sydsmom
You said your 2nd molar, right? Dr. J said sometimes orthos don't like to move 2nd molars because it "opens up a can of worms" to quote him.
It is my 2nd molar that's rotated. Hmm....I really wonder now if my ortho is planning to leave it alone then?! :?

What your ortho said makes sense, but it still concerns me a little. Since my molar is rotated 90 degrees, it's taking up less space in the arch than it would normally (because it's like a rectangle sitting on its long side rather than its short side, if that makes any sense). In turn, the teeth in front of it are further back in the arch than they should be on that side and everything is shifted.

So, if the ortho's gonna leave it be, my arch will be asymmetrical. Oh well. I guess there are worse things.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:07 am
by fins
I find it hard to believe your ortho would leave your molar in that rotated position. If your teeth are currently too far back, won't you get some space for your molar opening up as your teeth are moved into the proper position? I'm sure if you ask your ortho he/she will tell you. My situation is completely different though. I hope you get them fixed.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:43 pm
by sydsmom
I hope so too! I really don't want to leave it in the rotated position so that my arch will be nice and symmetrical. I'll definitely ask next week at my appointment.