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cuspid teeth pulled, any pain??

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:45 am
by poloaa
I will have one more (final) consultation this afternoon, most of my ortho have told me that i need two upper cuspid teeth pulled because i am 34, not growing anymore and i just concern how painful to have them pulled? How long does it take the progress to pull the teeth?? Noone supported me for the braces, except my husband and my best friend, all of my family saying i m wasting money to do it...that i feel bad about it, so, should i go for it or what? I know i m the one to make the final decision, but still frustrated me when they said, "not to do it".


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:51 am
by sydsmom
poloaa , don't let your fears or feelings of guilt prevent you from doing this for yourself!! I bet your family will change their tune when your teeth are all straight and pretty. They'll probably say "You should've done this a long time ago!" And I bet some of it is that they feel bad that they couldn't help you out. Do what YOU feel is right for you!!

As for extractions: I don't know about upper teeth, but I had lower bicuspids removed that were no problem to extract at all, and I was extremely nervous!

It took a while to do the procedure because the dentist wanted to make sure I was super numb and he went slowly so I could tell him if I felt anything. First they numb the area, you wait about 20 minutes for it to take effect, then the dentist takes pliers and starts wiggling the tooth and rocking it back and forth. By then, you should know if the numbing medication is enough or not. He'll wiggle and rock the tooth for several minutes, and then pull it gently out. You probably won't even know he did it. For me, I only heard a tiny little "cracking" noise (like when you bite into something crunchy.) It was no big deal at all.

Afterwards, I had no pain, just some throbbing. I didn't even take any painkillers at all, though I've heard others say they had to.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:52 am
by sydsmom
poloaa , don't let your fears or feelings of guilt prevent you from doing this for yourself!! I bet your family will change their tune when your teeth are all straight and pretty. They'll probably say "You should've done this a long time ago!" And I bet some of it is that they feel bad that they couldn't help you out. Do what YOU feel is right for you!!

As for extractions: I don't know about upper teeth, but I had lower bicuspids removed that were no problem to extract at all, and I was extremely nervous!

It took a while to do the procedure because the dentist wanted to make sure I was super numb and he went slowly so I could tell him if I felt anything. First they numb the area, you wait about 20 minutes for it to take effect, then the dentist takes pliers and starts wiggling the tooth and rocking it back and forth. By then, you should know if the numbing medication is enough or not. He'll wiggle and rock the tooth for several minutes, and then pull it gently out. You probably won't even know he did it. For me, I only heard a tiny little "cracking" noise (like when you bite into something crunchy.) It was no big deal at all.

Afterwards, I had no pain, just some throbbing. I didn't even take any painkillers at all, though I've heard others say they had to.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:54 am
by sydsmom
poloaa , don't let your fears or feelings of guilt prevent you from doing this for yourself!! I bet your family will change their tune when your teeth are all straight and pretty. They'll probably say "You should've done this a long time ago!" And I bet some of it is that they feel bad that they couldn't help you out. Do what YOU feel is right for you!!

As for extractions: I don't know about upper teeth, but I had lower bicuspids removed that were no problem to extract at all, and I was extremely nervous!

It took a while to do the procedure because the dentist wanted to make sure I was super numb and he went slowly so I could tell him if I felt anything. First they numb the area, you wait about 20 minutes for it to take effect, then the dentist takes pliers and starts wiggling the tooth and rocking it back and forth. By then, you should know if the numbing medication is enough or not. He'll wiggle and rock the tooth for several minutes, and then pull it gently out. You probably won't even know he did it. For me, I only heard a tiny little "cracking" noise (like when you bite into something crunchy.) It was no big deal at all.

Afterwards, I had no pain, just some throbbing. I didn't even take any painkillers at all, though I've heard others say they had to.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:02 pm
by poloaa
Thanks for the replies, i m so happy that i m lucky to meet this orthodontics today, i told myself this is the last one because i have seen totally 7 of them and he is nice, also very cheap. Yes, same old, same old, i need to have two cuspid teeth (upper) pulled and i will have the mold and xray appt on Mar.8, will update, thanks for all the support.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:33 am
by joplin
i need to have two cuspid teeth (upper) pulled
Poloaa, have they explained you why it is the cuspids they want to extract?

I'm asking because I had a cuspid situation myself and the one thing I learned was that the cuspids / canines are the last thing dentists and orthos want to keep intact in the patient's mouth. Usually they would rather look for any other option but extracting the cuspids, which are very strong and bitewise very important teeth. What is the problem with your cuspids exactly? Maybe there is a good explanation to this plan. Did the other orthos suggest the same procedure?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:37 am
by joplin
Argh, I meant to say they are the first thing they want to keep - and the last thing they want to extract! Sorry :oops: I got a little carried away and got my words all mixed up...

learned was that the cuspids / canines are the last thing dentists and orthos want to keep intact in the patient's mouth.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:43 am
by poloaa
Hi all, all my ortho said that i need to have my two upper cuspid teeth pulled because i have my overbite teeth, not enough space for them to move at my age, they will probably pull the second or the thrid cuspid teeth, not sure until they got the mold done, so could u pls let me know what other teeth they usually decide to have them pulled???
Thanks for you all again.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:28 am
by michael33
I hate to be honest but, I'm 33 & had 2 bicuspids removed. The novacaine did nothing, the extractions only lasted a few minutes but it was just pure pain. The bleeding didn't stop for 24 hours straight.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:25 am
by joplin
they will probably pull the second or the thrid cuspid teeth,
Ok, that changes things: bicuspids are the ones they most often extract in orthodontics. I thought you were talking about teeth #3, that are called cuspids, canines or eye teeth. Sorry I misunderstood you!

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:04 pm
by Joual
poloaa wrote:Hi all, all my ortho said that i need to have my two upper cuspid teeth pulled because i have my overbite teeth, not enough space for them to move at my age, they will probably pull the second or the thrid cuspid teeth, not sure until they got the mold done, so could u pls let me know what other teeth they usually decide to have them pulled???
Thanks for you all again.
I saw an ortho that said he would remove my wisdom teeth, and I think 2 cuspids and 2 bicuspids. I can't remember exactly even though it was only 5 hours ago because I was in such shock when he started pointing out the cuspids & bicuspids. I did expect him to say that he would pull my wisdom teeth, though. He said that he would need to pull all of those teeth in order to move everything into its proper place.

I'm 28 and I have crowding on the bottom and an overbite. The ortho could also tell that I grind my teeth in my sleep. I have an appointment with another ortho in a few weeks, so I'll see what he says. Thanks to this message board I see that it's normal to remove bicuspids, but I definitely want to keep my cuspids.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:43 pm
by Flora2006
Polooa, don't stress too much about extractions. Your dentist will numb the area and will make sure you are in no pain before doing anything. Good luck and let us know how it goes.