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Molar Bands Poking Me

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:54 am
by southernone
Hi All. I recently had 4 additional molar bands placed on the rear teeth last Friday. I know that there is always an adjustment period for your mouth but am wondering if anyone else experienced this and what their orthos response was. My rear bands are poking me in the cheeks so badly that I cannot even rub my lips together without pain. I cannot get any wax to stay back there no matter what I do and have already tried the warm water mixed with salt. This is killing my cheeks! Is there a possibility there just is not enough room? Isn't this supposed to be better after six days?? My teeth do not hurt nearly as bad as my cheeks. :cry:

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:15 pm
by Ga_N8V
Hey there.

When I had my back molars bracketed it took nearly five weeks for my cheeks and gums to toughen up ... by far the most pain and trouble I've had while in braces (1 year, 3 months and counting) :x .

I found that it helped to use a bit more of the wax than I normally would and I didn't use it to cover the protruding bracket (it wouldn't stay in place) ... what I did was place the wax along the row of teeth so that it protruded out a bit and kind of acted like a protective overhang preventing my cheek from coming in contact with the sharp points of the bracket.

And I can't stress this enough -- lots and lots of warm salt water rinses to aid in the cleansing and healing process.

Hang in there ... it'll get better :wink: .

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:32 pm
by jcdamon3

Is it the molar band that is bothering you or those darn hooks on the molar bands? I have eight of them and at first I was not very happy! I did finally complain to the dentist and the assistant bent those hooks down. I don't know why they need the hooks at the beginning of treatment when they know they won't need them for a long time. ( I am thinking a year but have no idea).

I had trouble with the wax too. I dried my brackets with a washcloth which is quite a trick way in the back of your mouth. I would wet my finger so that the wax would stick to the dry bracket and not to my finger when applying the wax. Sometimes it would take me two or three tries. Later on I started making real long pieces of wax, like the whole strip and sticking it there along the whole side. Trying to put one little piece of wax on a bracket wasn't working that well for me. If you get the silicone wax that they sell on this site you can use it over again. I know, sounds disgusting.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:35 pm
by genxsis
I had the same problem; wax won't stay on, so many sharp edges. I'd go back to the ortho like I did and ask them to smooth out the sharp edges for you. The have a special tool that looks like a Dremel tool that they use for that purpose. With the sharp edges smoothed out, you won't have them poking you anymore, instead the smoothed out sections will just glide against your cheeks instead of cutting into them.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:36 pm
by Tin Man
You might want to try a different wax. I've found two different kinds in the stores. I'm not sure of the companies that make them, but one says "Orthodontists Choice" on the case, the other says "Smile Wax for Braces." I've found the "Orthodontists Choice" is way too soft and rarely stays anywhere you put it. The "Smile Wax" (despite it's stupid name) is a little harder and stays better. And another little tip - putting the wax in the fridge before you put it on makes it a little harder and the coolness feels good on the mangled areas of your cheeks.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:41 pm
by Marzipan
The orthodontist's office always gives me silicone wax. It's harder to put on, but it is more transparent so it has worked out well to use it on teeth that can be seen when smiling.

At the store I tend to buy more waxy wax, if that makes sense. Butler Gum sells it in little purse packets. That works better for the inner or back teeth. I wet the finger tip that is going to apply the wax, because then the wax is less likely to stick to my finger as I try to apply it.

The molar bands ARE annoying but you will adjust to them.