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Financing braces question

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:29 pm
by jaswi
So a thought occurred to me today. I plan on financing my braces, as I don't have any insurance and I'm wondering how big a part your credit report will play. I have about zero credit( I say 'about' because I just financed my first car and dont have a payment due till april.. had to put $3500 down to get financing). I have been employed at the same place for over 6 months, and am in a very good financial situation right now. It seems always saving and paying cash might come back and bite me in the arse..

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:45 pm
by KJM
jaswi at my ortho office, they didnt run a credit report. It was mainly a down payment and then monthly payment. I had to sign a contract, and if I am behind a payment I cant have treatment until the payment is caught up ( I think thats what I read) I do the auto payment ( automatically out of my account each month) so I dont even have to worry about it.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:14 pm
by sydsmom
My "financing" was the same as KJM's. My ortho required $1100 down and monthly payments of around $100. No credit check was involved, but I signed a contract.

I suppose most orthos figure you're not going to default since you're wearing what's been financed and it needs to be maintained every 4 or 6 weeks ;-)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:23 pm
by KJM
sydsmom wrote:I suppose most orthos figure you're not going to default since you're wearing what's been financed and it needs to be maintained every 4 or 6 weeks ;-)
True! True! Plus who wants to keep these things on longer than you have to?? :)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:48 pm
by braceface1230
My ortho is the same too. $1200 needed to be paid within 3 months and now I'm paying $150 monthly. No credit check here either.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:59 pm
by Flora2006
I didn't have a credit check either. No contract as well. Just a montly payment and a down payment of 1340$.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:25 pm
by jcdamon3
I don't think they ran a credit check. You definitely want to finance through the ortho if he/she gives you interest free. I belive most of them do. I pay with a credit card that gives me 2% back!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:31 pm
by drazda
I had no credit check, and I put $500 down, and $125 a month. I pay with a card that gives me 1% back. jc, if you don't mind me asking, what card gives you back 2%? I really do not like my measly 1% anymore!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:42 pm
by Anticipator
I had the same experience as all the above...

The paperwork I had to submit suggested there'd be a credit check but when I've since reviewed my FICO score there were no reported inquiries.

In fact, I was fully braced before I'd paid a single dollar to the office. They may be atypical in their trustworthiness of their patients, however.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:12 pm
by n216
me two 850 down and 150 for 20 months only 16 more :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:41 am
by dena
wow i'm so jealous of everyone!!

i DID have a credit check run and i DIDN'T get financing because of it. i was so mad because i have really good credit and i'm proud of that. but, i am a grad student and make less than $15K/year. My ortho's office uses some financing institution outside the office and they wouldn't approve me on that salary. I had to have my entire bill reconciled before I began treatment (ie it all had to be financed or paid or a combination of both.) I put a significant amount of the money down and was only using the financing option for convenience, so it didnt end up being a big deal. but i was lucky i brought my credit card because that is how i had to pay that day. it was a big surprise to me so i'd suggest checking into it first, or taking a credit card or something. hope everything works out!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:21 pm
by Indy
I'm slightly confused by the responses to 'financing.' My ortho has 3 payment types: pay in full w/ discount, give initial lump payment then monthly payments, or setup a loan with CapitalOne and get financing through them.
I'm doing the Intial payment + monthly payments, which doesn't require a credit check.

This is the link to Capital One & you can look up an ortho (or other dental specialists) to see who offers this payment option:
http://www.capitalonehealthcarefinance. ... 213B976ED4


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:35 pm
by tkais
No credit check for me either, $900 down 20 payments of $185. And I have only 1 payment left!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:29 am
by TuZZi
I had to pay $300 down, and now $300 a month for the length of treatment until retainers go on.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:45 am
by tandi
no credit check 1500 down and monthly payments over 15 months. i didn't even have to sign anything.