wisdom teeth extraction necessary?

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wisdom teeth extraction necessary?

#1 Post by akabraces »

happy sunday...

my wisdom teeth on the bottom never came in...my dentist
said she thought i would need to get my upper wisdom teeth taken
out and bottom before my braces, but my ortho hasn't mentioned anything.
i'm supposed to get my spacers/have my final meeting march 16 and then my braces several days after that...so i was wondering--does one have to get wisdom teeth removed before braces??? just curious, like to be prepared!



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#2 Post by nimo »

It all depends on your problems and your orthodontist. I know people who didn't get their wisdom teeth out until after they'd had their braces off for a while. I'm getting mine taken out after about a month of having braces. If you're lucky, then maybe your wisdom teeth will never give you any problems, and you'll have have to have them pulled.
Braced on 17 Feb. 2006.
Five teeth extracted on March 9, 2006.
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lefort 3 March 7, 2008
TPA April 22, 2008
2 years 7 months in braces
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#3 Post by jennandtonic »

You may want to ask your orthodontist about it. Mine immediately suggested the extraction because all four of mine were impacted and she figured that it may be best to have my wisdom teeth extracted along with the other four I required to get the braces. The surgeon agreed with her opinion and I had all eight out at once. Not fun, but at least I won't have to go through that later!

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#4 Post by Flora2006 »

My dentist is waiting until I get the braces off because mine haven't erupted yet and are very close to the nerve. He says that hopefully with braces on and my teeth getting straighter, my wisdome teeth will move away from the nerve...that's why I'm getting them out after...my ortho said it doesn't matter whether I have them or not. I am going for my dental check up next month and will ask again about the wisdom teeth...

I kind of want them out just to get it over with...I'm also worried that by not taking them out, they will cause my teeth to shift when I'll have paid so much money to get them straight...we'll see what he thinks.


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
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#5 Post by adollface »

All four of my wisdom teeth are in. There has never been a suggestion of removing them and I am almost done with treatment. The only person so has said I should consider having them taken out is my hygentist and she said it's simply because she doesn't like cleaning all the way back there. So no I don't think everyone has to have their wisdom teeth removed. I think it depends on what your mouth can hold (apparently I have a big mouth).

Damon 2's top and bottom
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#6 Post by Leslie022 »

Not always necessary. I am fully braced with 4 wisdom teeth...2 have yet to show their face. My ortho didn't feel that they need to be removed before he could start anything but said that if they become a problem, then they'd need to be taken out.
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
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#7 Post by Joanna20 »

Hi! I think you should give your orthod. a call and find out what's the best thing to do. If she hasn't mentioned anything about wisdom teeth is because you probably need to keep them during orthodontic treatment - or she forgot to tell you that those need to be removed.
Good luck,


Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
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#8 Post by jcdamon3 »

I would just make sure that the dentist and the ortho agree that if you wisdom teeth do come in they will not create movement in your teeth.

Mine tried to come in when I was 15 years old. They got totally impacted and underneath my second molars. They stayed that way for a year because my dentist at the time forgot to look at the x-rays -oops. My other teeth all started getting crowded as a result. My dentist NOW says that didn't happen. I am like, "How do you know - you weren't even there!". I remember my bottom teeth feeling really tight and getting headaches when my wisdom were trying to come in.

They can do x-rays and determine exactly where they are. I would have them monitor it every year or so if you still have not had them out after you get your braces off.

Sorry I am a bit paranoid - but I really think my wisdom teeth a long time ago did some damage.

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#9 Post by OceanGirl »

I had my top ones removed several years ago. They were erupted and got infected. I had my bottom impacted wisdom teeth removed about 6 months before I got braced. My dentist wanted them out before I got my braces on. He said they could push my bottom teeth together after the braces come off. I think it all depends on the postion of the wisdom teeth. My bottoms were impacted and pushing against my back teeth. The wisdom teeth were also lying on a nerve. I had to get referred to a dental sugeon to get them removed.
Feb 4 2005
Top braces on
Expander on top, TMJ retainer on bottom

Dec 17 2005
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#10 Post by poloaa »


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#11 Post by rsprouse »

There are different schools of thoughts on removal of 3rd molars (Wisdom Teeth). In quite a few countries outside the USA, it is thought that you should keep them in case you lose other molars so that you have more teeth to chew on. I personally recommend to have them removed if 1) there is no space (impacted) 2) they will cause movement of other teeth and cause problems with the patients bite or 3) they will cause periodontal/gum problems. If you don't fall into any of these cases then there is no medical reason why you should have them removed.

That being said, there are plenty of professionals out there that think they should basically be extracted regardless. As always, YMMV.


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