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A question about teeth alignment

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:52 pm
by mytch
Hi everyone,
I'm 10 months into 18 months of braces, so far so good. I just have a question though. I had "fangs" before I got braces. I.e. two teeth grew over the top of my baby teeth that were under them.

I got my 2 baby teeth under the fangs (one on each side) removed, however the "fangs" dont line up at the top with my other teeth.

I still have 8 months to go with braces, but I'm just wondering if the top of the fangs will line up with the top of my other teeth?

I have a photo I found on Google (I would upload my own but they are stuck on my camera phone). The white arrow points to the fang and the yellow points to the top of the other teeth.

Do you think the top of the fang will come down and inline with the top of the yellow tooth (for example)? And also, will the bottom of the "fang" need to be grinded down because it will be "longer" than the other teeth? If so, does your ortho grind it down?

Here's the image:


Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:49 am
by jcdamon3
Hi Mytch,

Each individual case is different but, I think that your teeth will be leveled out in a later phase. I have been in braces 7 months now and they are starting to level my teeth. They just respositioned some brackets to help with the leveling. At this point my teeth are being leveled and straightened at the same time and yet I have not moved up to the next strongest archwire. Is your archwire totally straight across right now or is the archwire still bending up toward the canine ? If it is not straight, it still has work to do. But the ortho may reposition brackets like he did on mine.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:17 am
by KathleenH
I had a similar issue with my bottom canine. It did eventually line up. I don't know when exactly it happened, but in October, after 18 months in braces, my ortho did grind it down to match the rest of my teeth.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:06 pm
by Joanna20
Hi! I'm they will line with the other teeth. Why don't you ask you orthodontist what he thinks? I think that explaining your concerns to him/her will really help you feel better! They are experts!
Take care and good luck,

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:20 pm
by mytch
Hi guys,
Thanks for the responses. I had my last appointment last friday but it totally slipped my mind to ask. The wire is still kinked up on one of my teeth, so yep I guess that one still has work but for the "fang" on the other side the wire is straight, in fact there's only one kink in the top wire and none in the bottom, which I guess is a good sign.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:30 pm
by mytch
Thanks, KK -- I appreciate everyone who takes the time to reply to my questions. I guess I'll just have to bring it up at my next appointment in 4 weeks.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:14 pm
by Chris
Canines take the longest to move, they have the longest root.

One stubborn canine of mine is FINALLY after 1 1/2 years ALMOST in its final resting place! I thought it would never happen. Slower than a tortoise.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:43 am
by ItsGavinC
To answer your question, the gumlines won't always be the same for each person. It isn't at all unnatural for the gumlines to not be level. Where there is more tooth structure, such as with canines, the gumline will be higher.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:45 am
by ItsGavinC
I also wanted to add that canine teeth sometimes need to have an occlusal adjustment (be ground down), but typically don't. It all depends on your bite. It's OKAY for them to be longer than your other teeth--they are supposed to be in a nice dentition.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:45 pm
by mytch
Hi guys,
It's alot clearer now, thanks. They are pretty much in line, but Im just thinking: when I smile, the top of the gumline for all of my teeth are level, except for this one kanine and it just looks a bit weird. It's only when I do the "big cheesy smile" that you see it... not a regular smile.