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A bit disappointed

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:46 pm
by Jim G.
Hey everyone, I'm "new" here, but I've been reading this forum since about a week before my braces went on (Late Sept. '04). 2 Weeks ago from today I went in for what I thought was a regular appointment, and my ortho took a look at my teeth and surprised me by saying I was ready to have them off! He asked me if I was concerned with anything and I told him I felt my left lower canine tooth was a little slanted, and the right one was perfectly straight. He made an adjustment with the wire and had me wear 2 elastics. 2 Weeks later(today) I come in thinking I should be getting them off, since he said they were looking good. He then reveals that it will be another 6 weeks or so to get them off. :(

Anyways, needless to say, I was a bit nervous coming into today's appointment, and was just wondering if the actual process of getting the braces off is painful? Any help or reassurance would be greatly appreciated :)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:10 pm
by jcdamon3

If you are worried about pain you should be glad he is waiting another six weeks. I just had 5 brackets pulled off and NONE of them hurt except for one, and that was the only tooth that had been moving recently! I didn't even feel any of the others come off. In fact, I have damon3 brackets and I just thought she was opening the brackets to get the archwire off! You may want to read the braces removal stories. There is a link here:

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:08 pm
by Way Too Old For This
Everytime I go to the ortho he takes a few brackets off and repositions them. I don't even know they are taking them off while they are doing it. The bands come off a little harder but it didn't hurt.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:07 am
by Joanna20
Oh come on! You've waited for so long! What's another six weeks?
Cheer up! No it doesn't hurt a lot to come out of braces.
Good Luck,